This unique piece of art, titled "Living In A Movie", is a medium-sized mixed media collage created by the talented artist Pete Reilly. The work is signed by the artist and comes framed. The vibrant piece features a colorful array of themes including love, life, actors, military, disasters, television, Americana, graffiti, conflicts, social history, and people.

The artwork measures 11 inches in width and 14 inches in height, and is handmade using ink, paper, and spray paint. Reilly's art style is a combination of pop art and street art, and this piece is a testament to his creativity and skill. Don't miss the opportunity to own this original work of art that captures the spirit of contemporary culture.

Pete Reilly (b. 1975) is a multidisciplinary artist living in Southern California. With his interest mainly focused on collage, his work typically consists of clippings of glamorous women, space and various images found from 1940s and 1950s magazines to create an inimitable perspective on everyday life.

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