Chinese belamcanda

An intriguing, rare perennial that occurs in nature in northern China, Japan, Indonesia and northern India. Chinese belamkanda captivates with its unusual, exotic beauty, and in addition it has amazing healing properties. The plant contains active substances that support the treatment of viral infections and inflammation. Belamkanda, also called Chinese ixia, forms impressive clumps, growing to about 60-90 cm in height. It has long, sword-shaped, gray-green leaves, gathered in a characteristic fan. In summer, at the ends of erect, branched shoots, original flowers appear, about 6-8 cm in diameter. They have the shape of charming, six-pointed stars in an intense orange color, which are additionally decorated with numerous, irregular, red spots. Chinese belamkanda blooms profusely from July to August. After this period, the flowers are replaced by decorative fruits with spherical, black, beautifully shiny seeds that resemble blackberry fruit. Chinese belamkanda is a unique species, recommended especially to collectors and lovers of unique, unusual plants.

Cultivation of Chinese belamcanda

Chinese belamkanda is an undemanding plant and relatively easy to grow. Prefers warm, sunny positions. The soil for cultivation should be light, permeable, fertile, humus, moderately moist, well drained. Perennial does not tolerate winter stagnation of water, so the substrate should be properly prepared for it. It is a frost-resistant species, but in the case of frosty, snowless winters, it is advisable to cover it with a layer of stroiche, bark or immature compost.