Discover the Quality of "Harmony Hue Rug" - A Recommendable Wool Rug

What is "Harmony Hue Rug" - An Endearing Wool Rug?

It can be challenging to find a carpet, rug, or mat that matches your preferred color or pattern. You might desire a product considerate of health and environmental factors, especially when children are involved. Or perhaps, you're looking for a rug that conveys a sense of natural materials. Listen to these voices; it is for such customers that our rug was born.

The uniqueness of each handmade piece

Because each "Harmony Hue Rug" is handwoven from natural materials, the thickness and twist of the threads vary in each piece. Like every person has a unique expression, each "Harmony Hue Rug" also possesses its own face and expression. These rugs, carefully handcrafted, are reasonably priced wool rugs.

Handmade Harmony Hue Rug

Harmonious color tone

The gentle tones of the "Harmony Hue Rug" seamlessly blend into any space. One of the characteristics of the "Harmony Hue Rug" is its ability to add color to a space, providing a warm and soothing effect for its inhabitants. A colorful life nurtures sensitivity and emotions, eventually fostering a deep affection.

Colorful Harmony Hue Rug

Consideration for health and environment

We use wool, a natural material that does not harm the environment, to ensure you can use our rugs with peace of mind during new construction, renovation, or remodeling of your home.

Environmentally friendly Harmony Hue Rug

A commitment to natural materials

Without the use of synthetic fibers, you can enjoy the texture and comfort of the rug. The pile is made of 80% carefully selected wool and 20% cotton, providing warmth in winter and a fresh feel in summer.

Shipping from Japan

We are responsible for delivering our products from Japan.

Shipping from Japan