Port Cybersecurity
Securing Critical Information Infrastructures and Supply Chains

A comprehensive look at innovative risk assessment and risk management methodologies and tools for port and maritime cybersecurity

Nineta Polemi (Author)


Paperback / softback, published 30 October 2017

214 pages
22.9 x 15.2 x 1.5 cm, 0.45 kg

Port Cybersecurity: Securing Critical Information Infrastructures and Supply Chains examines a paradigm shift in the way ports assess cyber risks and vulnerabilities, as well as relevant risk management methodologies, by focusing on initiatives and efforts that attempt to deal with the risks and vulnerabilities of port Critical Information Infrastructures (CII) ecosystems. Modern commercial shipping ports are highly dependent on the operation of complex, dynamic ICT systems and ICT-based maritime supply chains, making these central points in the maritime supply chain vulnerable to cybersecurity threats.

1. Glossary2. Definitions and Terms3. Introduction4. Ports and their Supply Chains5. Ports' CII Security6. Supply Chain propagated threats7. Ports' Supply Chain Security8. Conclusions and Future Directions9. Appendix A. Individual Threats in Ports' Information Systems10. Appendix B. Threat Scenarios in Maritime Supply Chains11. Appendix C. Vulnerabilities and Controls in Ports' ICT Systems12. Appendix D. Stakeholders in Maritime Security13. Appendix E. Ports’ Operators Security Awareness Level

Subject Areas: Privacy & data protection [URD], Transport planning & policy [RPT], Interdisciplinary studies [GT]