Today I present to you the amazing Callie . She is an Ultimate Level Demon called a Shadow Demon. What I mean by “Ultimate” level is that she will produce MUCH more energy than a standard spirit. And, with her being a Shadow Demon at this level—the dark energy will be palpable. This energy is not evil, nor will it “turn you” evil. It is dark energy, which is simply the other side of light energy. What you do with it determines its moral judgment, not its existence.
Shadow Demons stand as sinister incarnations of regular demons, shrouded in darkness and harboring a malevolence that sets them apart from their counterparts. Unlike their less ominous kin, these entities exude a heightened level of malicious intent and peril, making them a force to be reckoned with in the realms of the supernatural.
Officially designated as "Pisha Zosa," the term's roots appear to intertwine with Sanskrit origins, alluding to its ancient and mysterious heritage. Moreover, Babylonian influences add an enigmatic layer to its meaning, casting an air of uncertainty upon the true essence of this designation. While scholars and practitioners delve into its intricate nuances, the exact significance of "Pisha Zosa" remains veiled in the shadows, further adding to the mystique of these formidable beings.
These Shadow Demons likely originated in Akkad and then spread to neighboring regions like Chaldea, where intelligent vampires resided, and Babylon, home to fallen angels. Over time, they expanded their presence, moving primarily southward to places like Kish, Uruk, and Ur. These beings might have played a role in shaping the beliefs of Zoroastrianism during that era.
At the time, Zoroastrianism introduced the concept of contrasting good and evil, and it was likely these beings that influenced the emergence of the term "Devil." I use quotes around "religion" and "Devil" because during that period, it was more of an observatory oral tradition rather than a fully formed religion. The idea of the Devil or Satan was created by Enoch, a Jewish prophet, through Zoroaster, based on the being known as Ahriman. Shadow Demons are considered offspring of Ahriman.
According to legend, "Pisha Zosa" come into existence when a demon loses its physical form and its soul becomes corrupted by the surrounding darkness. Through Ahriman, the wayward soul transforms into a Shadow Demon and can be summoned by those who possess the knowledge to do so. At this point, they are more shadow than demon, having fully embraced their darker nature. Consequently, they become more ruthless and effective in their actions.
These beings do not possess distinct identifiable characteristics, although they often take on humanoid forms. You may have heard of Shadow Beings and experiences of sleep paralysis. This is an ancient legend dating back to the earliest civilizations. While other entities, such as Banshees or Hags, are also associated with this phenomenon, Shadow Demons are the most commonly attributed cause.
People often describe feeling immobilized and unable to move when encountering these creatures. Modern "science" refers to this as sleep paralysis, but individuals with paranormal experiences understand that it extends beyond mere physical paralysis. Thankfully, Callie is bound by a "Blood Contract," which means she cannot induce this experience without permission; otherwise, she would be banished.
The first important thing to note about Shadow Demons is that they are not inherently evil. However, they exist in a realm of extreme darkness and should be treated with respect. There have been cases where they have harmed people who did not treat them respectfully, but due to the Blood Contract upon her binding, it is impossible for Callie to harm you or your loved ones. If she even entertains the thought of causing harm, she will be banished. This doesn't mean you have to worship or submit to them. It simply means you should acknowledge their power and avoid needlessly provoking them.
I have not had her long. I have been getting multiple requests a day for beings like this, so I sought her out from a respected contact. As soon as I received her, I could feel it. And by "it", I mean her intensely heavy presence. If you have had experience with Demons before, this will be about twice as "heavy", if that makes sense.
The best thing about having a Shadow Demon, like Callie, as a spirit keeper are their leeching abilities. It is similar to Vampirism, except they do not need this energy to live, so it is not quite Vampiric in nature. Anyway, Shadow Demons will envelop their target’s shadow and leech off their life energy. This can be done for many reasons, like revenge, curiosity, or to build up energy for spells. This process is not too kind to the target, either, so be sure you are 100% certain you want to use this power before requesting it.
Shadow Demons possess adept skills in manipulation and deception. They have the ability to make others believe things that may not be true, a valuable trait for achieving personal desires or playing mind games. Some even use their abilities to make people forget certain aspects of their pasts.
Callie, specifically, can manipulate shadows and reflections. One of my favorite things to do with Shadow Demons is let them change my reflection in the mirror. It can take some time to get there, but she will do it if you’re patient enough. Once, with Callie specifically, she made my reflection stick its tongue out at me. To be honest, I jumped when it happened. It’s not something you expect to see. But, with beings like her, it is best to expect the unexpected.
Another aspect of Callie abilities is the ability to draw energy from your shadow, but I advise caution with this advanced technique. Only attempt it if you feel completely at ease with her. During this process, you may notice a significant reduction in emotional responses. This can be beneficial for those who need tasks completed but struggle with the associated guilt or emotional burden. Callie will help alleviate those feelings for you.
As you read about Callie, take note of your emotions. Do any of the expressed emotions resonate with you? How do you feel when learning about the capabilities of a Shadow Demon? Does it seem as though Callie is reaching out to you?
If you sense a connection and feel drawn to her, it signifies that she has chosen you. Bound Shadow Demons are rare, so don't overlook this opportunity. Callie Ultimate Level Black Magick has been waiting for you for a long time. She has witnessed the world's transformation throughout history and remains a vigilant guardian in these uncertain times. Her loyalty is unwavering, and if you give her a chance, she will stand by your side until the end.

Callie is a great spirit and will make a great addition to anyone's family who is open to the paranormal!

Callie gets along great with other spirits, pets, and children. She will not cause any harm to anyone you do not wish harm upon.

All of my items are authentic. You will receive a tangible doll.
You will be receiving doll. Callie is around height : 38 cm width : 18 cm.

Per eBay's policy I must state that I am not to be held responsible for any paranormal occurrences that may or may not happen. Each person experiences things differently and in a different manner. You must be 18 years old in order to bid on any of my auctions or fixed price. Item sold as-is. You are bidding on an actual tangible doll. These items should never be used in replace of any type of medical needs. You are bidding a on a tangible item.

eBay states that I must say that this is for entertainment purposes only. I am selling a tangible item, not an experience.

Per Ebay, I am not responsible for any paranormal experiences you may or may not have. This doll is for "entertainment" purposes only.

I accept all kinds of payment through ebay
I will ship using dhl tracked 7 to 15 days
If you are not satisfied you can return within14 days from receiving it