Seed appearance: Hippeastrum seeds are generally dark in color, irregular in shape, and have a dry, papery texture. The lively portion of the seed is small and located in the center of the flat, papery covering.

The mother plant= This is an eye-catching plant from our Willatina line. This plant has been winter hardy for us in zone 8 b. It blooms with 4 flowers and produces multiple scapes per bulb. This line of plants bloom at a young age and they offset very well.

 The father plant= ‘Tropical Sensation’. This is a  beautifully exotic looking flower. We believe it has the species Hippeastrum psittacinum in its genetic background. It blooms with 4 flowers per scape. We don’t know how winter hardy it is as we have not tested it, but we expect Zone 8b and warmer could overwinter this plant in ground.

 We expect the seedlings from this pairing will be beautifully veined and we expect them to bloom with 4 flowers per scape. We also expect the plants from these seeds to have the potential to be winter hardy in zone 8b and warmer.

*** Free seed policy***

With every order of seeds, you will receive additional seeds as a gift.  We take the time to consider your choices and provide gifts in the same spirit of your order. For example, we may include seeds with a common parent or crosses with similar shape/color. The gift will be contingent upon our stock and we hope to choose something you appreciate.

 *** Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Your gardening success is important to us. We are happy to share our recipe for success – ask about our handouts. Happy growing!  ^ _^