Gold-Silver Plated German Silver Bowl Set | Pack of 5 pc | Gold Box | Serveware for Dry Fruits, Sweets Etc

Benefits :
Brass, a metal that has a shine like Gold, stores ancient health secrets. The composition of brass makes it the perfect metal to cook your food in, as you add flavors to your dishes, brass adds nutrition to it. Brass helps in providing healthier hair and produces required amounts of melanin. Melanin is extremely important to ensure the health of your skin and protect it from harmful UV rays.
Metal Utensils are popular in India since ancient times. Copper, Brass and bronze utensils are known to have ayurvedic importance. According to Ayurveda these metals are a great cure for several diseases like anaemia, diarrhea, inflammation, etc. Hence even today it is a common practice to use Brass and copper utensils in India. Brass is used for cooking, serving and eating food from it and even storing water for drinking.

Health benefits of using Brass Utensils:

1. Brass Produces melanin for healthy hair and skin

2. Drinking water stored in Brass vessel Increases strength and immunity

3. Eating food from a brass vessel Prevents abdominal infections

4. When food is cooked in a brass utensils natural oil gets released that adds unique flavour and taste to the food.

5. As zinc is present in Brass, it helps Purifies the blood

6. Zinc is also known to Sharpen the memory of your brain hence consuming water or food from a brass vessel sharpens the memory.

7. Consuming food or water from a brass vessel helps in curing respiratory diseases like cough and asthma.