Antique Chinese Natual Yellow White Icy Jadeite Jade carved Double Foo Dogs Ruyi Statue

A double Foo Dogs pendant carved from jadeite, symbolizing protection and auspiciousness. This remarkable pendant showcases two intricately carved Foo Dogs in a symmetrical and balanced design. The Foo Dogs, known as guardians of harmony and prosperity, exude strength, loyalty, and good fortune. The vibrant green hue of the jadeite adds a touch of vitality and beauty to the piece. The double Foo Dogs represent double blessings and multiplied luck. This extraordinary pendant serves as a talisman for protection, harmony, and fulfillment of wishes. Don't miss the opportunity to own this captivating double Foo Dogs jadeite pendant, a cherished symbol of positive energy and well-being.

Material: Grade A Yellow and White Icy Jadeite Jade,100% Natural, Untreated, Translucent

Dimension: 58x37x12mm
Weight: 46g