Elegant Turkish Rug: A Blend of Traditional Oriental Patterns for Every Space

Discover the allure of our exclusive collection of printed Turkish rugs, skillfully combining oriental charm with contemporary aesthetics. Whether you're in need of a living room rug to anchor your space, an area rug to define a particular segment, or a runner mat for your hallway, our diverse range of sizes — from door mats at 2x3 ft to expansive area rugs up to 5x7 ft — has got you covered.

With a selection spanning 2x3 ft, 2x4 ft, 2x5 ft, 2x6 ft, 2x7 ft, 2x8 ft, 3x5 ft, 4x6 ft, 5x6 ft, and 5x7 ft, there's a unique design awaiting every corner of your home. Every rug, be it a non-skid rug for high-traffic areas or an oriental piece for your main living area, radiates unparalleled artistry rooted in Turkey's rich rug-making heritage.

Item Features:

ü  Versatile Placement: Perfect as a door mat, runner mat, living room rug, bedroom rug, hallway runner, entryway mat, nursery rug, area rug or in any other space, these rugs elevate the ambiance with their elegance.

ü  Broad Size Spectrum: Choose from sizes such as 2x3 ft, 2x4 ft, 2x5 ft, 2x6 ft, 2x7 ft, 2x8 ft, 3x5 ft, 4x6 ft, 5x6 ft, and 5x7 ft to find your perfect match.

ü   Oriental Charm with Unique Patterns: Immerse in distinct oriental designs that ensure your rug stands out.

ü   Quality Materials: Made with premium threads, these rugs guarantee durability against daily wear.

ü  Safety First: Each rug comes with a non-skid backing, ensuring stability and preventing unwanted movement.

ü  Easy Maintenance: Stain-resistant and easy to clean, a simple vacuum or spot clean will keep them looking as good as new.

Shipping & Returns:

ü  Fast Shipping: Your rug, whether an area rug or door mat, will be dispatched and at your doorstep within 1-3 days.

ü  Easy Returns: For any concerns, you can conveniently return your purchase within 14 days.

Dive deep into the legacy of Turkish craftsmanship, beautifully intertwining the timeless allure of oriental rugs into modern living spaces.