Divya Godhan Ark is an ancient Ayurvedic medicine made by extracting the goodness from gomutra or cow urine. It has multiple benefits and cures a variety of serious ailments. It gives you relief from problems of liver and stomach. It cures eczema, controls diabetes and cancer
  • divya Godhan Ark (Gaumutra) - Immunity Booster:
  • The treatment of many fatal and chronic diseases are unknown, therefore sometimes alternative cures become a boon for people when there is no scope of cure through regular ones.
  • Over these years, many experts as well as people studying Ayurveda have stated that, cow urine has great medicinal benefits and drinking Gaumutra early in the morning can cure stomach diseases.
Benefits of Gaumutra:
  • Useful For Heart Diseases & High Blood Pressure
  • Liver Cleanser
  • Blood Purifier
  • Digestive Cleanser Tract
  • Effective In Mental Illnesses
  • Effective in Stomach Problem