The story of MEDPAK began in 2014 in lovely and atmospheric Polish city, Krakow. Our idea is to create a place where you can make comprehensive purchases in the field of improving quality of life and health - for you and your loved ones. We offer over 5,000 products, carefully selected to meet all customer requirements.

Bilovit Sandalwood essential oil - 10 ml

Sandalwood essential oil is actually already a classic - a well-known and well-liked product. It is extracted from the oldest wood, found in the inner part of the sandalwood tree (santalum album or santalum spicatum). Used invariably in the healing arts of ayurveda, it has many properties to support health and well-being. The captivating aroma is certainly not all it has to offer.

Natural sandalwood essential oil

Olejek eteryczny szałwiowy

Sandalwood oil - properties

Sandalwood is one of the basic ingredients in many perfumes. The oriental, woody-floral fragrance has many admirers, the non-obvious balsamic notes add character and the overall composition is perfect. The oil has been proven to reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels, known as the stress hormone. The mild and soothing fragrance reduces tension, makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep.

Nourishes and moisturises, has a beneficial effect on skin with imperfections - reduces lesions and prevents the formation of new ones. It is also suitable for hair care - restores elasticity and adds shine.

Essential oil is a multipurpose agent. It has antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant effects. It can reduce inflammation that occurs in the course of skin diseases (such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis) - it restores normal functions, reduces itching and the severity of lesions.

Origin of raw material: Sandalwood - a species of tree, naturally occurring in the forests of tropical forests of Central and North America.

INCI: Santalum album Oil

Effects: relaxing, aphrodisiac, relaxing

Fragrance: rich, deep, sweet, delicately woody and floral

Colour: light yellow

Note: base

Recommended application: for massage, for inhalation, for bath, in a diffuser

Contraindications: Do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Matching oil: bergamot, frankincense, coffee, lavender


We are thrilled to announce a newly developed product: micronized & unflavored Vitaler's Creatine Monohydrate, which has 200 mesh to ensure the best bioavailibity and absorption. Add it with a special launch's price and we will combine your shipment so shipping cost will only be paid once.

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