How to draw wet and transparent clothes Girl expression techniques Book 2022


Author: Asuka Irotani, Armic, Kou Akagi
Publisher: ‎ Genkosha
Release date: ‎ 2022/8/23
Language ‏ : ‎ Japanese
Book (softcover) ‏ : ‎ 144 pages
Dimensions: ‎

The shocking production expands the range of illustrations!

The "wet and transparent" expression is an important technique for drawing cute girls.
This book is a book where you can learn how to express wetness in different situations from illustrations drawn by popular artists.

Learn how to draw girls that look great in the summer, with wet skin and hair from water splashes and sweat, and transparent clothes, and have even more fun creating illustrations!

This item is sold in Japan. All instructions are in Japanese.
The product specification area is Japan.

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