Special Deluxe Collector's Edition / Fully remastered sound shaped from 24 Bit digital technology / Classic debut album / Contains Goldilox , King and Shot Of Love / 16 page full colour booklet 3,500 word essay, enhanced artwork, rare photos and new band interview. All hail to the kings. The emergence of Houston, Texas based power trio Kings X resonated through the music industry like a breath of fresh air. Cowering under a barrage of hair bands the scene was fast stagnating but it was Kings X who rode into the fray like knights in shining armour unleashing a stylistically innovative and brilliant new sound; one that would revolutionise the direction of modern rock music for years to come. Out Of The Silent Planet is one of the finest hard rock albums of the period. It is a record that pretty much laid the foundations for the coming onslaught of grunge, a style that introduced detuned guitar work by the bucket load and basked in thick muscular riffs of the type that would soon be appropriated by future stars such as Alice In Chains and Stone Temple Pilots. That they were a huge influence on the grunge movement is in no doubt.Originally Issued in 1988, the album was stuffed to the rafters with a brace of extraordinary tunes each with a lyrical twist that indicated that they were communicating on a far deeper level than what might have been expected from such a robust and bruising outfit. Check out tracks such as Shot Of Love , Goldilox and the classic King with its haunting refrain and unnerving defiance.Track listing: In The New Age; Goldilox; Power Of Love; Wonder; Sometimes; King; What Is This? Far, Far Away; Shot Of Love; Visions