This exquisite lithograph, titled "The Village Road," is a remarkable piece of art created by the renowned French artist Bernard Buffet. It is one of the eleven original lithographs crafted by Buffet for the "Bernard Buffet" Catalogue, a collection of his lithographic works spanning from 1952 through 1966. Published in 1966, this lithograph captures the essence of Buffet's artistic genius.
Measuring 18" x 15" when framed, "The Village Road" lithograph displays Buffet's distinctive style, marked by bold lines, intense contrasts, and a unique ability to convey emotion through simplicity. This particular piece encapsulates the quiet charm of a rural village road, showcasing Buffet's exceptional talent for capturing the essence of everyday life.
Bernard Buffet (1928-1999/ France). Born in Paris in 1928, Bernard Buffet was a prominent French painter renowned for his figurative and representational works. He gained international recognition for his somber and introspective themes. A key figure in post-war French art, Buffet's artistry left an indelible mark on the 20th century. His legacy lives on through his evocative creations, making "The Village Road" lithograph a valuable addition to any art collection.