Contact / Kontakt

Got any questions?
We'd love to answer any of your questions!

Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 9-17, Saturday 9-13:30

Baby Shop
ul. Świętokrzyska 23, 32-500 Chrzanów, Poland

Masz pytania?
Chętnie na wszystkie odpowiemy!

Godziny otwarcia:
pon.-pt: 9:00-17:00, sob.: 9:00-13:30

Baby Shop
ul. Świętokrzyska 23, 32-500 Chrzanów

Shipping / Wysyłka

We usually send out all products within 48 hours after we see money on our bank or PayPal account. We do not ship using the Cash On Delivery (COD) option. For shipping cost please contact us and we will find the best and cheapest way to send products!

The buyer is responsible to pay custom duty.

Wszystkie przedmioty wysyłamy za pośrednictwem Poczty Polskiej lub renomowanych firm kurierskich zwykle w ciągu 48h od momentu zaksięgowania wpłaty na naszym koncie. Koszt wysyłki podany jest w każdej aukcji. Poza granice Polski nie wysyłamy za pobraniem, koszt wysyłki jest ustalany dla każdego kraju indywidualnie, dlatego prosimy o kontakt.

Payment / Płatności

You can pay us using the bank accounts which are above (choose what currency would you like: PLN, EUR or USD) or PayPal.

Wpłaty prosimy dokonywać na nasze konto bankowe lub za pośrednictwem PayPal.

BZ WBK (Swift key: BKPPLPP)
Tomasz Kozub

PL 18 1090 1665 0000 0001 2261 2449 (PLN)
PL 02 1090 1665 0000 0001 3236 5505 (EUR)
PL 93 1090 1665 0000 0001 2373  3971 (USD)

About us / O nas

We run our shop since 2010. It is a stationery shop, however we offer our products in other auctions services and in our internet shop. For our customers convenience we decided to start selling on Ebay! Our experience allows us to offer best, branded and original products only in best prices. In product description you will find info about guarantee. We add receipt to every product, if you would like to receive invoice - let us know and we will add invoice.

Nasz sklep stacjonarny prowadzimy od roku 2010. Sprzedajemy także w innych serwisach aukcyjnych oraz prowadzimy sklep internetowy. Dla wygody naszych klientów postanowiliśmy zacząć sprzedawać także w serwisie Ebay. Nasze wieloletnie doświadczenie zarówno w sprzedaży stacjonarnej jak i internetowej pozwala nam oferować Państwu najlepsze, oryginalne i pochodzące z oficjalnej dystrybucji produkty. Są one objęte gwarancją, jej zasady i długość znajdziecie Państwo w opisie każdego przedmiotu. Do każdego przedmiotu dodajemy paragon, a na życzenie fakturę VAT.





A 2-in-1 stroller with interchangeable cot and seat attachments, helping you keep your child supported in the best way from birth up to four years old.

Product Details


  • Age range: From birth to approx. 4 years
  • Child weight: Max. 22 kg


The 2-in-1 Stroller

Meet the 2-in-1 stroller made for every day with your little one. The Eos Lux makes life easier, so you can relax and enjoy every moment.

The Eos Lux stroller changes as your baby grows. Start off with a cot attachment, for comfort and shelter from birth. When your child starts sitting up, the cot can be transformed into a seat by swapping the fabric components on the frame, promising comfortable rides until they're four years old. The travel system allows a smooth switch from the car to the outside world. And large all-terrain wheels and front-wheel suspension make short work of bumpy ground. The Eos Lux: The 2-in-1 Stroller.


Care instructions:

  • Fabric covers machine washable at 30°C


Compatible with:

  • CYBEX infant car seats
  • Eos Lux Car Seat Adapter
  • Eos Lux Rain Cover
  • Gold Footmuff
  • Snogga 2
  • Summer Seat Liner
  • Snack Tray
  • Strollers Cup Holder
  • 2-in-1 Cup Holder


2-in-1: Cot to Seat

All you need for their first four years. First, your newborn can lie comfortably in a cot. Then when they grow big enough to sit upright, simply switch to seat mode by swapping the fabric parts on the frame.


Travel System Ready

One frame, three ways to ride. In addition to the cot and seat unit, you can attach an award-winning CYBEX infant car seat to the stroller frame. So you can take your little one from drive to stroll without waking them up.


All-Terrain Wheels

Puncture-proof tires and lockable front wheels deliver stability and smooth rides. Enjoy your stroll wherever you are – whether you’re walking cobbled streets or on a family trip in the great outdoors.


Front Wheel Suspension

Keep the ride smooth for your sleeping baby, with front wheel suspension that minimizes shocks and shakes. Sand, grass or gravel paths – it can handle any off-road adventure.


Dimensions – Unfolded

Length 850 - 950 mm

Width 610 mm

Height 1160 mm

Weight 11.6 kg


Dimensions – Folded

Length 400 mm

Width 510 mm

Height 920 mm

Weight 11.6 kg


What is included?

  • Eos Lux frame including wheels
  • Convertible cot to seat unit
  • Shopping basket
  • Bumper bar
  • Sun canopy
  • User guide