Think of electromagnetic waves as carriers for sound and video signals, like the waves that make your TV or radio work. These waves help transmit audio and video over long distances. Nowadays, there's a lot of these waves around us, created by things like cell towers, radar, and even microwaves, forming what we can call an "electromagnetic radiation cloud."

This radiation, which is already somewhat risky, can become harmful when used by devices like cell towers and Wi-Fi. They can reach into our bedrooms, potentially causing harm to our brains and body cells, and even influencing our actions. To prevent these potential harms caused by intentionally using electromagnetic waves for bad purposes, some countries, including the United States and many European countries, use devices called EMP.

These EMP devices aren't meant to stop the waves but to prevent the harm they might cause by influencing our brains and bodies. They work by understanding how our cells react to strong electromagnetic waves. When the waves are too strong, our cells can't properly understand commands or thoughts. The EMP device helps prevent this.

So, EMP devices won't affect any of your electronic gadgets. There are two types: some are rechargeable and portable (you can carry them in your bag), while others work directly with regular electricity. If you're at home or in the office, one that works on electricity should be enough, depending on the size of your place. If you're traveling, it's recommended to bring the portable, rechargeable one with you.