EKO - B25 - Ampli combo basse 8" 25W


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Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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EKO - B25 - Ampli combo basse 8" 25W

Le B25 est un combo de 25W à transistors, développé par la marque italienne Eko en partenariat avec le technicien Roberto Tittarelli. Il est le compagnon idéal de tout bassiste à la recherche d'un petit amplificateur efficace pour s'entraîner à la maison. Son poids très contenu, avoisinant les 10 kg, en fait un ampli très mobile, parfait pour les petites répétitions.

Il présente un réglage de volume, une égalisation 3-bandes, ainsi qu'un contrôle de présence permettant d'ajuster précisément le rendu final du son. Ce dernier réglage est parfait pour aller d'un son doux de type soft jazz à des tonalités plus rock et agressives. Ce combo dispose également de deux entrées : High dédiée aux instruments actifs, et Low pour les basses passives.

Ces deux entrées sont complétées par une sortie casque pour pratiquer en toute discrétion, et par une sortie ligne afin d'alimenter un autre haut-parleur. Enfin, une boucle d'effet complète l'attirail de ce combo de travail à domicile et de répétition.

Compact et léger, le B25 est le combo basse idéal pour tout bassiste recherchant un ampli pour travailler à la maison ou pour les petites répétitions, au rapport qualité/prix exceptionnel.

Caractéristiques :

  • Baffle : Droit
  • Boucle d'effets : Oui
  • Catégorie : Combo basse
  • Diamètre h-p : 8"
  • Dimensions (mm) : 380 x 385 x 245
  • EQ : 3-bandes + présence
  • Entrées : jack, aux minijack
  • Finition : Noire
  • Nbre canaux : 1
  • Poids (kg) : 10,50 kg
  • Prise casque : Oui
  • Puissance : 25 W
  • Sorties : Casque
  • Technologie : Transistors

EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp


148,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp

The B25 is a 25W transistor combo, developed by the Italian brand Eko in partnership with technician Roberto Tittarelli. It is the ideal companion for any bassist looking for a small, effective amplifier for practicing at home. Its very low weight, around 10 kg, makes it a very mobile amp, perfect for small rehearsals.

It features volume adjustment, 3-band equalization, as well as a presence control allowing you to precisely adjust the final sound rendering. This last setting is perfect for going from a soft soft jazz type sound to more rock and aggressive tones. This combo also has two inputs: High dedicated to active instruments, and Low for passive basses.

These two inputs are complemented by a headphone output for discreet practice, and a line output to power another speaker. Finally, an effects loop completes the paraphernalia of this home work and rehearsal combo.

Compact and lightweight, the B25 is the ideal bass combo for any bassist looking for an amp for working at home or for small rehearsals, with exceptional value for money.

Features :

  • Speaker: Right
  • Effects loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Diameter h-d: 8"
  • Dimensions (mm): 380 x 385 x 245
  • EQ: 3-band + presence
  • Inputs: jack, minijack
  • Finish: Black
  • Number of channels: 1
  • Weight (kg): 10.50 kg
  • Headphone jack: Yes
  • Power: 25W
  • Outputs: Headphones
  • Technology: Transistors

EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp


148,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp

The B25 is a 25W transistor combo, developed by the Italian brand Eko in partnership with technician Roberto Tittarelli. It is the ideal companion for any bassist looking for a small, effective amplifier for practicing at home. Its very low weight, around 10 kg, makes it a very mobile amp, perfect for small rehearsals.

It features volume adjustment, 3-band equalization, as well as a presence control allowing you to precisely adjust the final sound rendering. This last setting is perfect for going from a soft soft jazz type sound to more rock and aggressive tones. This combo also has two inputs: High dedicated to active instruments, and Low for passive basses.

These two inputs are complemented by a headphone output for discreet practice, and a line output to power another speaker. Finally, an effects loop completes the paraphernalia of this home work and rehearsal combo.

Compact and lightweight, the B25 is the ideal bass combo for any bassist looking for an amp for working at home or for small rehearsals, with exceptional value for money.

Features :

  • Speaker: Right
  • Effects loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Diameter h-d: 8"
  • Dimensions (mm): 380 x 385 x 245
  • EQ: 3-band + presence
  • Inputs: jack, minijack
  • Finish: Black
  • Number of channels: 1
  • Weight (kg): 10.50 kg
  • Headphone jack: Yes
  • Power: 25W
  • Outputs: Headphones
  • Technology: Transistors

EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp


148,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp

The B25 is a 25W transistor combo, developed by the Italian brand Eko in partnership with technician Roberto Tittarelli. It is the ideal companion for any bassist looking for a small, effective amplifier for practicing at home. Its very low weight, around 10 kg, makes it a very mobile amp, perfect for small rehearsals.

It features volume adjustment, 3-band equalization, as well as a presence control allowing you to precisely adjust the final sound rendering. This last setting is perfect for going from a soft soft jazz type sound to more rock and aggressive tones. This combo also has two inputs: High dedicated to active instruments, and Low for passive basses.

These two inputs are complemented by a headphone output for discreet practice, and a line output to power another speaker. Finally, an effects loop completes the paraphernalia of this home work and rehearsal combo.

Compact and lightweight, the B25 is the ideal bass combo for any bassist looking for an amp for working at home or for small rehearsals, with exceptional value for money.

Features :

  • Speaker: Right
  • Effects loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Diameter h-d: 8"
  • Dimensions (mm): 380 x 385 x 245
  • EQ: 3-band + presence
  • Inputs: jack, minijack
  • Finish: Black
  • Number of channels: 1
  • Weight (kg): 10.50 kg
  • Headphone jack: Yes
  • Power: 25W
  • Outputs: Headphones
  • Technology: Transistors

EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp


148,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EKO - B25 - 8" 25W bass combo amp

The B25 is a 25W transistor combo, developed by the Italian brand Eko in partnership with technician Roberto Tittarelli. It is the ideal companion for any bassist looking for a small, effective amplifier for practicing at home. Its very low weight, around 10 kg, makes it a very mobile amp, perfect for small rehearsals.

It features volume adjustment, 3-band equalization, as well as a presence control allowing you to precisely adjust the final sound rendering. This last setting is perfect for going from a soft soft jazz type sound to more rock and aggressive tones. This combo also has two inputs: High dedicated to active instruments, and Low for passive basses.

These two inputs are complemented by a headphone output for discreet practice, and a line output to power another speaker. Finally, an effects loop completes the paraphernalia of this home work and rehearsal combo.

Compact and lightweight, the B25 is the ideal bass combo for any bassist looking for an amp for working at home or for small rehearsals, with exceptional value for money.

Features :

  • Speaker: Right
  • Effects loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Diameter h-d: 8"
  • Dimensions (mm): 380 x 385 x 245
  • EQ: 3-band + presence
  • Inputs: jack, minijack
  • Finish: Black
  • Number of channels: 1
  • Weight (kg): 10.50 kg
  • Headphone jack: Yes
  • Power: 25W
  • Outputs: Headphones
  • Technology: Transistors
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