Adjustable 7 Chakra Bracelet - New

Made with genuine Garnet, Carnelian, Citrine, Aventurine, Blue Howlite, Sodalite & Amethyst

Chakra bracelets are accessories designed to balance the seven chakras, which are said to be energy centres used for centuries by Indian and Asian cultures. These bracelets usually consist of seven stones or charms in different colours or designs, each component representing one of the chakras — crown, brow / third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base / root.

Each bead used in a chakra bracelet can be used as a worry bead, or serve as reminders to focus on healing. This sense of focus and distraction from distress is said to be useful to recovering alcoholics and smokers, as well as to people enduring pain from childbirth or chronic disease. Given the mental aspect of this application, this can be considered part of the meditative function of chakra bracelets.

Another use of chakra bracelets relies on the power of the gemstones or crystals. These bracelets use stones with particular energy properties to subtly change the wearer's life and health. In theory, the negative energy leaves the wearer and becomes trapped in the bracelet. Positive energy then emanates from each of the stones and rebalances the chakras. There are many interpretations of the powers of different crystals.


Maximum length - 27cm (10.6 inches) approx.
Gemstone chips: 0.2cm - 1.5cm approx.
Knot measures 1cm x 0.5cm approx.


Natural gemstone / crystal chips*
Metal alloy

Please note - the number of stones on the bracelet will differ, the stones on the end will also vary (will be 1 or 2 stones used in the bracelet).