Looking for a Boost to your Dark Souls 3 character. Well, it looks like you found the right listing.

This Listing will be for a MASSIVE 1 Billion Souls and get your character around 620 levels.

How it works? There will be no password sharing at all for this, and it will all be done through the game at the High Wall of Lothiric. All you need is the White Soapstone, and you're set!

Disclaimer: There will be no password sharing or any sort of personal information sharing with this.

All intellectual Property and Trademarks found within this listing are the sole property of their respective owners, and I make no claims of ownership or affiliation to them.

You are purchasing a service in the form of my time and effort spent playing a video game online.

I do not have any rights over Dark Souls 3. I do not own any part of Dark Souls 3. Other related goods are all property of Bandai Namco Games® and are owned and operated by Bandai Namco Games.

REMINDER: You are just buying my time to help you in the game.

You are not buying anything other than my time and dedication to help obtain all these articles