SALT. For our products we use only natural sea salt, which contains a complex of biologically active macro- and microelements, chlorides and sulfates of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, bromine and others. 

CHOCOLATE POWDER is a combined natural product based on cocoa powder and grated cocoa.

The product doesn’t contain dyes, fragrances, preservatives.


For bath: 300-600 g of sea salt dissolve in 150 liters of warm water (35-39 C). Bath time - 10-20 minutes. For bath and shower: apply a small amount of salt to wet steamed skin and light massage movements to distribute all over the body, then rinse with warm water.

For the salt "Bitter Chocolate" use small crystals of salt, allowing to use it effectively also as a peeling (scrub) when visiting the bath or shower, as well as before taking a sauna bath, which allows you to cleanse the skin and prepare it for the action of components dissolved in warm water, as well as for other procedures.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the ingredients and general contraindications for warm baths.