A classy leather notebook measuring approx. 10.5cm x 10.5cm, perfect for jotting down notes, thoughts, doodles, phone numbers, etc.

The notebook has 24 pages of 80gsm unlined green paper with an inner cover of blue, bee-themed 350gsm card. These are hand-stitched with linen thread into a mid-brown soft panel hide cover.

General notes

Leather is a natural and beautiful material but no two animal hides are the same. Sometimes you will see growth or stretch marks, scars or shade variation. These are natural characteristics which give the leather individuality and should be embraced.

Leather can be cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth, applying saddle soap or leather balm and buffing with a cloth or soft brush. Never use shoe polish!

My name is Katy and I learned how to work with leather over 30 years ago at Cordwainers College in Hackney, London. I completed a course in rural saddlery, which taught bridle, saddle and harness making using traditional methods and tools.