This unique mixed media collage by artist Pete Reilly, titled "Les Manguers D'Hommes," is a stunning addition to any art collection. The piece features a triptych format, with three small (11x14) framed panels. Reilly's signature style of pop/street art is on full display, with a colorful combination of man-eating bears and pin-up girls, and biology-inspired figures. Each panel is handmade using vintage images and spray paint , and is signed by the artist.

The artwork was produced in 2023 and is an original creation, not a licensed reproduction. The custom framing adds to the overall aesthetic of the piece, making it a remarkable display item. This ultra-contemporary artwork is a must-have for anyone who appreciates unique, thought-provoking art.

Pete Reilly (b. 1975) is a multidisciplinary artist living in Southern California. With his interest mainly focused on collage, his work typically consists of clippings of glamorous women, space and various images found from 1940s and 1950s magazines to create an inimitable perspective on everyday life.

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