Panic! Dizzy

Nintendo NES game – Kickstarter

Signed by the Oliver Twins


This was part of a very limited number of cartridges that were released in 2019 as part of a Kickstarted campaign. This copy is signed by the Oliver Twins.


Panic! Dizzy was originally created on the Spectrum in 1991, followed by all popular computers. By 1992, the Twins were busy writing games on the NES and felt that they should revisit this game. Philip and Andrew wrote the game in the autumn of 1992 in just 64KB using PCs with PDS boards cabled to NES consoles. Unfortunately Panic! Dizzy was not released by Codemasters at the time and was moth-balled to be lost in time and gathering dust in an attic.

After 26 years, the game was rediscovered and restored for a Kickstarter Campaign that physically released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) version on cartridge.