500Gb • 5400 RPM •  SATA 3Gb/s with NCQ • G-Force Protection™ 

Key Advantages 
• 8-MB cache delivers fast performance. 
• Robust design and high shock tolerance enable mobility in rugged operating environments. 
• 1000 Gs of nonoperating shock make the drive ideal for notebook PCs and industrial applications. 
• G-Force Protection™ feature available for added robustness in mobile environments 
• Green features: – Leverages Seagate laptop power management technology – Utilizes ramp load features that remove the head from the disk during idle periods, improving idle power consumption and adding to the durability of the drive 
• QuietStep™ technology enables ultra-quiet load/unload acoustics 
• SATA 3Gb/s interface with Native Command Queuing 
• Perpendicular recording technology 
• High instantaneous (burst) data transfer rates up to 3 Gb/s 

Best-Fit Applications 
• Mainstream laptops 
• External storage solutions/boxes 
• Whitebooks 
• Industrial applications requiring a small form factor