Singing Bowls are the special bowls made of Seven Metals combination: Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Tin, Lead, and Zinc that represent the sun, moon and five planets. 

These bowls can be used for meditation, music, therapy, chakra healing and cleansing.

Small size bowl around 6 inch can be use for Third eye Chakra with note “A”. Similarly around 4-5 inch can be use for Crown Chakra with note “B”.

Medium size bowl 7-8 inch can be use for throat chakra with note “G”. while around 9-inch bowl can be use for heart chakra with “F” note.

For Chakra healing around 12 inches can be use with tone “C”. Similarly, 11-10 inches can be use for Sacral chakra with tone “D” and 9 to 10 inches can be use for Solar plexus chakra with tone “E”.