It's the game that can help you lose weight!
Pick a Partner...and engage in a friendly competition.

The Fitness Challenge rallies you and your partner (spouse, relative, friend, co-worker) to exercise for eight weeks. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out or if you have been exercising for some time, The Fitness Challenge allows you to play no matter what shape you're in.

Game rules are designed to motivate you to exercise at least three days a week, every week, for eight weeks. From walking to mountain climbing, the range of workout choices accommodates any lifestyle.

With The Fitness Challenge Scorecard, you and your workout buddy get a fun and simple way to track your progress as you progress on your track. Pick from a selection of zany coupons to make up a Wager Book. The Wager Book is your incentive to stay on track... and your opportunity to stick it to your partner if they don't hold up their end of the bargain!