Plant for sale will be similar to the plants shown. It would be well rooted and actively growing, with at least 2 leaves. Please let me know if you have preferences and I’ll try my best to accommodate (e.g. half moons, marbled, fuller pots even if less var, etc.)

Scindapsus ‘Mayari’ AKA Scindapsus pictus exotica albo, is an amazing plant to have. The mother plant has amazing genetics and has displayed the most elegant variegation every single leaf. Each leaf is very sparkly on the variegated portions. Absolutely breathtaking! This is a new cultivar named after the Philippine goddess of the moon and beauty.

This is a legitimate specimen of a Scindapsus Mayari, from the same lineage as the original registered clone. As in, this was not found in a big box store to have variegation. This has been grown out from the originator and was selected for stability to maintain variegation. This stability is henceforth why it was accepted as a new cultivar by the International Aroid Society.