Albert MANTELET (1858-1958)

A charming portrait of a young woman resplendent in her finest Sunday bonnet. 

Albert Goguet Mantelet was considered to be one of the most accomplished pupils of Ernest Hébert and Heinrich Lehmann. He painted fashionably attired women from French society. His style achieved critical acclaim and he quickly became an established artist. Throughout his long career he specialised in genre painting. 
His work can be found in the collections of Musees de Chateau Thierry and at Pontoise. 

Heavy craquelure but, stable to the paint surface where it is thickest. Some overpainting to the sky top right. 

Size 39cm x 32cm (52cm x 55cm framed) 
15.3 x 12.6 inches (20.5 x 21.6 inches framed)