Nicotinell Mint 2mg Lozenge 204 Lozenges 2mg 2nd CLASS DELIVERY. Exp 2024

Nicotinell relieves 5 withdrawal symptoms of quitting.

It can be tough to stay smoke-free, but hang in there. Nicotine withdrawal is your body’s way of getting back to a healthy way of functioning. Nicotinell relieves 5 withdrawal symptoms of quitting: anxiety, frustration, restlessness, irritability, cravings.

Why choose nicotinell lozenges?

Control mild cravings on-the-go, with discreet nicotinell lozenges that you can use anywhere. Available in three different strengths, they help you wean yourself off nicotine at your own pace. Use them on their own, or as a supplement to nicotinell patches.

Knowing how to stop smoking is only half the battle – nicotinell lozenges gives you the support to make it all the way.

The nicotinell product range includes tts patch, medicated chewing gum and lozenge. Stop smoking aid. Require will power. Contain nicotine. Always read the label