This beautiful Singing Tower, on the high- est elevation in Florida, in beautifully landscap- ed grounds known as the Sanctuary, was a gift to the people, by the late Mr. Edward W. Bok. The Singing Tower Carillon has 71 bells wat 53 notes, or four and one-half octaves. The th weight of the bells is 123,264 pounds. The r DEC 19 PORT bell alone weighs 11 tons, and the smallest- pounds. base 51 feet. #2 Height of tower 205 feet, diameter at 2-PM $ Happy New Year. are all. дворе you well RICA 1938 LBY E. C. KROPP CO.. MILWAUKEE WIS DS LA 13966 OST FARD Merry Christinas Mr & Mrre. Albert, Pake. Poughkeepsie N. M 58 Frank R. F. Roachdale, STA CENT