The bulbs are particularly useful for indoor/outdoor lights when you're away from your house on vacation or you are gone overnight-they automatically on/off, enhancing physical security.



-Consider the daylight level when it is used indoor.
-Cut off power before replacing, and just leave the light switch on as the bulb will turn on/off by its own when sensor triggered.
-Make sure that there is a certain distance between two bulbs (more than 5 feet), as too dense light can prevent the bulb from working.
-Not application for recessed fixture as the bulb will stay on when it can't sense daylight, but for open light fixture, enclosed light fixture with clear / frosted cover.
-Do not install it on any kind of dimmer / timer / sensor which will override the bulb sensor.
-Not waterproofing, please use it in a place or with a lighting fixture that can protect the bulb from water.