This is the forbidden grimoire of the Left Hand Path.

There is power for those willing to drink from the cup of the Beast and his Bride, creating the body as a Temple. Herein is the path as walked by one who seeks to reveal the True Path of Ahriman and Lilith-Az, to manifest in flesh the spirit of Azi Dahaka and Cain.

Some call this Chaos Magick, it unites all cultures and their Adversary. Herein is Magick from the foundation to higher pathworkings of Sorcery and Black Magick. Michael W. Ford, an Adept in the ways of Luciferian Witchcraft presents here the works which burn away the modern white-washing of so-called Magick or Witchcraft. Contained herein are the rituals of Lucifer, Ancient persian sorcery in a modern perspective, Goetic magick as well as the Forbidden Sex Magick tome, ADAMU.



ISBN 978-0-570-03537-6 90000

ID: 7502142
