Just in time for Christmas, the much-anticipated Superforce T-Shirts are here! Make sure to choose your correct fit and "men's" or "women's" t-shirt.

The design is based on US patent no. US20190295733A1 which uses spun electrostatic cones instead of superconducting coils to generate the massive magnetic fields required to make a magnetic bottle without concern for radiation damage or quenching as in conventional high temperature superconductors. It also apparently uses rapid quantum phase transitions and plasma langmuir effects to provide repulsion between the cones to cancel out their magnetic attraction (our best guess).

Support genuine investigative journalism and technological disclosure via Alienscientist on Youtube here, and get a cool shirt in the process!

Collectible - after our first batch or two we'll change the color to silver or neon or something. Let us know what colors you'd be interested in. More sizes coming soon.

Permission granted by Salvatore Pais himself! Opinions and decisions not representing the US armed forces or course.