Clive Cussler Book Bundle x 5 

Books Include:
Inca Gold
Night Probe!

Dragon Synopsis
Japan, 1945: Two US bombers take off with atomic bombs. Only one gets through.

The Pacific, 1993: A Japanese cargo ship bound for the United States is instantly, thunderously vaporized, taking with it a Norwegian vessel. Japanese fanatics have developed a chilling plan to devastate and destroy the Western powers. From the ocean depths to the discovery of cache of lost Nazi loot, Dirk Pitt is untangling a savage conspiracy and igniting a daring counterattack. While Washington bureaucrats scramble, a brutal industrialist commands his blackmail scheme from a secret island control center. And Dirk, the dauntless hero of Sahara and Inca Gold, is taking on death-dealing robots and a human-hunting descendant of samurai warriors. Pitt alone controls the West’s secret ace in the hole: a tidal wave of destruction waiting to be triggered on the ocean floor!

Inca Gold Synopsis
Nearly five centuries ago, a fleet of boats landed mysteriously on an island in an inland sea. There, an ancient Andean people hid a golden hoard greater than that of any pharaoh, then they and their treasure vanished into history -- until now.

1998, the Andes Mountains of Peru. DIRK PITT dives into an ancient sacrificial pool, saving two American archaeologists from certain drowning. But his death-defying rescue is only the beginning, as it draws the intrepid Pitt into a vortex of darkness and danger, corruption and betrayal. A sinister crime syndicate has traced the long-lost treasure -- worth almost a billion dollars -- from the Andes to the banks of a hidden underground river flowing beneath a Mexican desert. Driven by burning greed and a ruthless bloodlust, the syndicate is racing to seize the golden prize...and to terminate the one man who can stop them: DIRK PITT!

Iceberg Synopsis
Frozen inside a million-ton mass of ice-the charred remains of a long missing luxury yacht, vanished en route to a secret White House rendezvous.  The only clue to the ship's priceless-and missing-cargo: nine ornately carved rings and the horribly burned bodies of its crew.

Treasure Synopsis
Charts of lost gold...breathtaking art and rarevolumes...maps of hidden oil and mineral deposits thatcould change the world's balance of power.Now DIRK PITT discovers the secret trail of thetreasures of Alexandria -- a trail that plunges him into abrutal conspiracy for total domination of the globe. Zealotsthreaten to unseat the governments of Egypt and Mexico,exposing America to invasion and economic collapse.Suddenly, from East to West, anarchists reach their deadlytentacles into the heart of the United States.And DIRK PITT, the hard-hitting hero of Clive Cussler'ssmash bestsellers Sahara and Inca Gold, is up against themost feared assassin known to man. An international bandof terrorists is making its play for world power on the highseas -- and Pitt is the only man alive who can stop them!

Night Probe! Synopsis
In the midst of an international crisis, Heidi Milligan, a beautiful, brilliant American naval commander, accidentally discovers an obscure reference to the long-buried North American Treaty, a precedent-shattering secret pact between the United States and Great Britain. The President believes that the treaty offers the single shot at salvation for an energy-starved, economically devastated nation, but the only two copies plummeted into the watery depths of the Atlantic in twin disasters long ago. The original document must be found—and the one American who can do the job is Dirk Pitt.
But in London, a daring counterplot is being orchestrated to see that the treaty is never implemented. Brian Shaw, a master spy who has often worked hand in hand with American agents, now confronts his most challenging command. Pitt’s mission: Raise the North American Treaty. Shaw’s mission: Stop Pitt.

Books are In good condition, Some yellowing of pages, Some wear to covers, Some dog earring of pages, please see the photos