( Out of print ) Songshan Shaolin Xinyi Arhat Pound by Wu Nanfang DVD - No.100


Out of Print

Out of print Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts Kung Fu Series by Liubaoshan 19DVDs




Shaolin Shaolin Learning boxing and coiling slightl by Liu Baoshan DVD - No.001

This compact disk is Liu Baoshan’s recognition and understanding of Shaolin boxing through over dozens of years.It tells detailedly the traditional practice method of Shaolin boxing and the unknown mystery of ancestor’s practicing skill, today of shaolin fist stepping into the mistaken area, like a lamp in the dark,light the lovers of shaolin fist walking in the dark of the mistaken area.The learner listens seriously,tastes carefully,which is helpful for deepening the understanding and improvement of traditional shaolin fist, and gradually realizing the profound and mystery of shaolin fist from it.If it is combined with practice and untiring skill, the one can become more proficient in one’s profession and get the true meaning of Shaolin fist.

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Songshan Shaolin Boxing Skill Book - Shaolin Seven-star Boxing by Liu Baoshan DVD - No.002 

Shaolin Seven-star Boxing, SaoLin also named Qi Xin Ba ,is one famous Shaolin Boxing ,which is not taught rashly publicly ,It is especially good at attacking the middle body and lower body and its tactics are cunning. It is flexible, changeable and compact in the legged and bodily movements. There is harmony cooperation between hands and feet It is swift and fierce in defense and offence It is too powerful to be met with, There is not any garish movement It is simple and unadorned everywhere. It focus on the application of defense and offense without any artificial movements. It requires you relaxing the whole body and unifying the body and brain. This boxing was handed down by the He had taught the boxing to Liu FaTai, a disciple of home of Buddhist, who latterly had taught the boxing to his son Liu Fatai ,who latterly had taught the boxing to his son Liu Jingwen ,who latterly had taught this boxing to his son Liu Baoshan ,and It is fortunate that Li Baoshan had inherited this boxing completely; thus it can spread so far .

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Songshan Shaolin Changhu Xinyi Men Quan by Liu Baoshan 3DVDs - No.003

Changhu Xinyi Men Quan which had never been taught publicly in successive dynasties is one of outstanding set patterns of Shaolin boxing. According to the records of the boxing table: It was created and handed down by Buddhist King JInnaluo; and according to” the table of Shaolin monks of martial arts”: Tian Qiban converted to Shaolin Temple When he begged; he changed his name into Zhou tianbao, formally acknowledged Huiwei as his master, and was given a Buddhist name Haizhou. He had learned all the martial arts of Shaolin Temple. Especially he had researched Shao Lin Chang Hu Xin Yi Men Quan Celestial Being Palm and Plum Blossom Boxing; later the county magistrate knew where he was and sent an office attendant to find him Haizhou was afraid the Shaolin Temple was involved in a criminal case because of him so he left the temple at night and began to roam about all over the country. He had passed on his martial arts to more than thousands of disciples.


Lecturer: Liu Baoshan

Format: DVD

Language Speaking: Chinese

Subtitle: English/Chinese



Songshan Shaolin Kaishou Liuhe Quan by Liu Baoshan 3DVDs - No.004 


Fist-boxing in Six Rounds, created by general coach, monk Zhanju, who was the famous Wushu master in Qing Dynasty had originally 42 forms. Up to the latter stage of Qing Dynasty it was checked and rearranged by monk Jiyuan and Jipan There were Liu Fatai, Henglin Guan shanlin, Li Gengsheng, lingmen and so on who mastered it very well In the period of the Republic of China, Liu Fatai handed it to Liu Jingwen and Wang Ziren and so on latter whose techniques even surpassed their previous instructors’Liu jingwen handed it to his son Liu Baoshan, Wang Xiangyi, Li Chaofan and so on. Now there are as many as 300 people who are outstanding exercisers at this boxing 

This set of boxing is put in order according to the performed movements by great masters, Liu Baoshang and Wang Chaofan 

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: 3DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese 
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Songshan Shaolin Cudgel in Six Rounds on Horse by Liu Baoshan 2DVDs - No.005 


According to the records of "the table of Shaolin Cudgelplay", the Cudgeldpaly in Six Rounds came from Song Dynasty. And through great monk Fuju's collection,deliberation and research to the quintessence of the cudgelplay of past masters from 18 different groups of martial arts it was created. There were 36 set patterns of movements in past, until Yuan Dynasty. and by such famous cudgelplay monk as Jinnaluo and Jinnaren,etc. it was increased and rearranged into 6 rounds, and had been handed down generation by generation until today. Shaolin Cudgelplay in Six Rounds,on the basis of Shaolin Boxing in Six Rounds was developed. Its strike-skill is one attacking with one defending ,if your cudgel comes to me I will launch my cudgel out immediately to block or stir it aside. If your cudgel presses my cudgel. I will carry it up with my cudgel There is also mutual attacking If your cudgel hit to my head I hit your head with my cudgel too or I dodge and hit to your waist which is called blocking-waist cudgel or we attack each other with the constantly changeable movements and according to the change of opponent's movementswe change our movements and avoid the opponent's attack. We fight again and again, with the changes of attack and defence continuous.So we say that the Cudgelplay in Six rounds is the good way of getting real techniques of actual combat.

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Songshan Shaolin Liuhe Spear on the Ground 2DVDs by Liu Baoshan - No.006  

According to the records of "spear table of Shaolin ": Shaolin Spear in Six Rounds was created by the monk Fuju in Song Dynasty according to the quintessence and main points of spear maintained from the exchanged experience in Shaolin temple from 18 past masters of martial arts circles and the quintessence of the spear skill of family yang, family Luo and family Ma and his own spear skill specially in order to improve all monk's spear skill and actual combat abilities, it was created as a set pattern practiced by two person in the same time It contains six rounds and was also called six closing there are attacking and defending in turn, going back each other, and the benefits in practicing skills, practicing intelligences, practicing fight and keeping healthy.

Shaolin Spear in Six Rounds its main characteristics in the respect of skill and technique are showed out through the exchange of spears between two persons, The characteristics of every movement in the respect of skills of attacking and defending are:closing spears, jabbing shoulders, jabbing throat, jabbing feet, sweeping head, retreat by pressing the spear, chopping the head and jabbing heart etc.It can be used in a attack while advancing, and it can be used in a defend while retreating. It is flexible and multi-purpose and sweeping jabbing Holding spear with hands Using it flexibly.

Its usages are: Spear is called, the king of weapons, it can be used in attacking, defending, jabbing and sweeping. The whole set pattern appears to be vivid, tight in the structure interesting, lifelike and rich in the characteristics of actual combat

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Songshan Shaolin Double Broadswords by Liu Baoshan  DVD - No.007 

Shaolin Double Broadswords is called cutting horse broadswords in ancient time It is one of the outstanding set patterns of Shaolin Whushu It is build and has offence and defense In such the movements as coiling the head, cutting to four directions and rolling on the ground, the broadswords are brandished from head to foot. Its footwork is flexible According to the saying of the boxing table, the key to single broadsword is technique of hand-movement and the key to double broadswords is footwork When practicing, the bodily movements must be coordinated with those of the broadswords naturally It can be used in attack and defense It can attack by splitting, slicing, cutting and can fence by sweeping, hiding and dodging It is flexible and changeable

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese




Songshan Bodhidharma Cane by Liu Baoshan 2DVDs - No.076 

Origin and Features of Bodhidharma Cane: Shaolin Bodidharma Cane is commonly called walking rod it is said that this routine was created by Bodhidharma who used it for building up body and defending himself, Practiced by the past dynasties Buddhist monk it was developed into a weapon boxing routine called Shaolin Bodididharma Cane It spreads wide folkly With the techniques of sweeping, cutting, hooking, stabbing and slicing etc. Shaolin Bodihidharma Cane strikes well in both long and short distance actual combat, it is tightly knitted in structure and has intricate and complex movements with hands, feet and cane cooperating each other Every action of it aims at the rival’s vital part “ strike the upper head, sweep the lower crotch, intercept wrists on both sides, stab the hear in the middle” and it is rational in defense and offense it is good at luring and strikes skillfully, pointing up and attacking down, pointing the left and attacking the right ,pointing the front and attacking the back looking one way and rowing another the movements are connected one another closely, If fail once in strike, it continues to strike. Shaolin Bodhidharma Cane not only has the characteristic of attacking and defending ingeniously and also has the functions of nursing breathing and blood, relaxing tendons, erecting bone and strengthening muscle. You can get the goal of strengthening the body and keeping healthy if insisting in practicing it.

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese




Songshan Shaolin Bodhidharma Sword by Liu Baoshan 2DVDs - No.077 


Shaolin Bodhidharma Sword is one of Shongshan Shaolin traditional sword-play routines and one of weapon routines usually practiced by the temple monks it has varied techniques and unique movements it is rationally arranged in rise and fall, advance and retreat and it uses yin as well as yang, it is very changeable in movements.
The Features : it attack with sword while defending dodges skillfully and strikes sideways. uses short form to fight in long distance, presses hard at a fast pace, alternates the empty and actual and tempers toughness with gentleness, it has very high practical value and the use in body building up. the basic sword-work : poking, slicing, splitting, stabbing, piercing, intercepting and etc, it has flexible and changeable foot footwork such as forward lunge, horse-ride stance, drop-stance, it intercepts while advancing, it intercepts in short distance fight, it stabs in long distance fight, with the defense in the offence and the offence in the defense.

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Songshan Shaolin Plum Blossom Short-hilted Broadsword by Liu Baoshan 2DVDs - No.078  


Origin and Features: According to “Shaolin quan talble” Shaolin Plum Blossom Broadsword originated from Song Dynasty At that time, the Buddhist abbot Hu Fu arranged this broadsword technique routine for guarding the Shaolin temple in the snowfield on the cold day of three nine-day periods after the winter solstice when his disciple Huiying asked him what was the name of this broadsword routine Hu Fu saw the plum blossom in front of the door thus he said "just call it plum blossom broadsword" to Huiying, pointing to a plum since then this routine of broadsword-technique was named Shaolin Plum Blossom Broadsword and was spread down generation by generation.

its features are that it is fierce in attacking and is well knitted in the structure it strikes and guards well it uses obvious as well as hidden force and movements both and it is very changeable it attacks with cutting, splitting and stabbing, etc. it counterblows with blocking, slicing and scooping, etc. It hides and dodges to lure and ambush the rival It blocks and brandishes for defending, In the whole routine all the movements cooperate with each other tightly, it shows that Shaolin broadsword paly focus on the application in actual combat.

Lecturer: Liu Baoshan
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese



Grandmaster Liu Baoshan


Grandmaster Liu Baoshan was Born in 1931 and he started learning martial arts at the age of 5. The 9th Level of Chinese Martial Arts (the highest level). Grandmaster Liu Baoshan is the national famous boxer and he was the martial arts chief coach of Shaolin Temple. In 1976 he founded the Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center.

Grandmaster Liu Baoshan was born in a kung fu family and his ancestors studied martial arts at Shaolin Temple for generations. There were three of his ancestors have served as the Buddhist abbot of Shaolin Temple. His grandfather has served as the secretary of the Shaolin Temple and the chief of the shaolin monks. His father studied martial arts at Shaolin Temple from an early age and became a martial arts star in the world. After several decades of tempering, Grandmaster Liu Baoshan is proficient in more than 40 kinds of boxing (or Fist) and 18 weapons, especially proficient in "Liuhe Fist", "Seven Star Fist", "Long Protecting the Heart", " "Spring and Autumn Broadsword" and "Liuhe Stick", also he is good at Shaolin stunts such as Acupuncture (or Dian Xue), Squatting (or Qin Na) and Qi Gong. 

In 2002 he was elected as vice chairman of the Henan Provincial Wushu Association. In 2007 he was named an outstanding inheritor of Chinese folk culture. He was also employed by the honorary coach of the Peking University Qi Gong Association and the chairman of the Chinese Buddhist Kung Fu Association. Grandmaster Liu Baoshan has written many academic works and has had a huge impact on the martial arts community at home and abroad, such as “The Tutorial of Traditional Shaolin Wushu Fist”, “The Three Roles of Practicing Kung Fu - Fitness, Self-defense and Self-cultivation” and “The Source of Chinese Martial Arts" etc.
