2 DVD lot Bar Magic Doc Eason & Jamy Ian Swiss 

Card Under Glass & Card on Ceiling

Card on Ceiling DVD

Jamy Ian Swiss has developed perhaps the most compact, amazing, and practical "Card on Ceiling" ever published, and now he shares the work on video for the very first time – a method you will carry with you every day, always ready to perform this unforgettable feat at a moment's notice. You'll learn every improvement and advantage from Swiss, who has honed this routine to perfection over decades of performances.

Jamy also shares two other versions from his mentors and friends: Scotty York, and legendary bar magician J.C. Wagner. Each performer added something new to both the plot and the methods of this routine, and you get to see each in live performance, and learn them all in complete detail.

If you have ever wanted to learn this classic of magic, in which a signed selected card mystifyingly appears on the ceiling, this DVD is essential viewing!

Running Time: 67 minutes

Card Under Glass DVD by Doc Eason 2 DVD

A classic Bar trick brought to new heights...

With its origins in the magic bars of Chicago, the card under glass idea was popularized by Heba Haba Al (Andrucci). Al taught his version to Bob Sheets, who, in turn, fooled a young man named DOC EASON. Doc spent the next 35 years perfecting the trick and the routine. Slipping a card under a drink with an audience watching his every move is hard enough to do once but, even after telling his patrons he is going to do it, Doc does it an incredible 6 more times!

Also included:
TOOLBOX - instructions on the moves and sleights and psychology.
INTERVIEW - "The Boisterous Participant" (or how to deal with hecklers)
DIRECTORS CUT - Doc explains every step of the routine while you watch him do it! Not just how, but the all-important why. It is an advanced lesson not only of card handling, but of CROWD handling.

MODULAR ROUTINE - each one of the tricks is strong enough to stand by itself. The full routine is over 30 minutes of entertainment! A roller coaster of fun and amazement!


Also includes 3 Card Monte, Triumph and 2 Card Transpo