Each ollin Aztec Symbol pendant measure 45mm.
 The Hunab Ku Maya size is 35mm

You can choose only one stone, 

The first ollin is engraved on a Mexican obsidian,


the other ollin is a Guatemalan serpentine jade and it have a hole:

the other is the Hunab Ku, the Maya symbol carved in obsidian too:

We can mount them and make the necklace of your choice if you want, contact us.

The Obsidian pendant Ollin is the movement that passes through all bodies, which makes life, dream, think. From the Nahuatl language, one of the most ancestral cultures. Ollin is the ultimate Era in the Aztec Calendar, the actual era which represent the movement of Earth.

Quincunx or Toltecayotl symbol (Hunab Ku).

This is a sacred symbol from the Toltec culture, it represents their cosmovision this amazing society developed in Mesoamerica, it is so complex that we need a couple of hours to explain the meaning, but we can say, it represents the sacred opposites and the balance of the universe (the universe itself/The human being as a universe/the nature elements) all in Quincunx symbol.

The Quincunx appears in many different cultures all around the world(in figures like a cross, pyramids, sacred mountains, flowers, geometric figures, etc.) and most of the time with similar meanings. And in this particular symbol, it looks like four butterflies coming out of the center towards the four directions of the universe, in the human body the center of our universe is in the navel, and this is the Axis Mundi of the universe, of nature, and of man. Each man can recognize himself, his strengths and weaknesses, his conscious and unconscious and renew them to try to be better (but, better than him, not better than others), like the butterflies that emerge as a new and better being capable of reach further than before in their universe. It is a beautiful symbol of self-knowledge and of "renovation"

(Do you want to buy wholesale?  Contact us)

This Mayan Jade Is called Chenalho because it come from Chiapas between Mexico and Guatemala 
This is a special variety of this region,
It is the least hard of the different varieties of Guatemalan jade.

 The origin of jade formation is from metamorphic rocks.  Jade is linked to another metamorphic material called serpentine, which is why it has that dark green color.

 Serpentine stones are excellent for developing a distinct inner peace that makes you untouchable by negative energy.  Instead of this stone “absorbing” the bad energy around you like a magnet, it will harden your psychic “shell” and make it impossible for that bad energy to penetrate.
  You will develop personal strength and serenity from which negativity will simply bounce.  Serpentine is a classic curse breaking stone if you believe someone is casting negative psychic energy or even premeditated spells with evil intentions.
  Serpentine can also be used to attract positivity and dispel negativity.

  In fact, it is one of the most historically used stones to detect evil and protect against bad luck and intentional malicious behavior, even against dark magic.

  How will the Serpentine help you?
  Serpentine stone is one of the best stones to deliver the unique "double whammy" of protecting against negativity while also attracting positivity.
  Most stones do one or the other (or, at least, do one much better than the other).

The Obsidian is a volcanic crystal 
Obsidian is one of the most important stones for the pre-Hispanic Nahuatl and Toltec cultures, it represented the peoples who come from the north, the wisdom of knowledge and the reflection of the soul.

The obsidian stone benefits :
The obsidian is a fire stone , she purifies mind and body and rejecting negative energies.  Obsidian helps to reveal truths and free the mind like removing a smoke screen.  That is why it is associated with Tezcatlipoca, the Mexican divinity "smoking mirror" in Nahuatl, one of the oldest cultures in Mexico, root of many others.
It is also a powerful protection stone.

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USA about 12-15 days
All the World : 15-25 days

There may be delays, but never lost, please contact us and we track it.