The Staleks Pro diamond cutter is indispensable for a hardware manicure master.

Used to treat cuticles, side ridges. Serves to prepare the nail near the cuticle for extension and correction. Can be used in hardware pedicure.

Cutters are presented in three degrees of abrasiveness: fine (red), medium (blue) and coarse (green). The maximum allowable rotation speed of the diamond nozzle is up to 30,000 rpm.

Areas of use of the diamond cutter truncated cone Staleks Pro:
treatment of the lateral sinuses;
processing of side rollers;
free edge processing;
length correction;
crack processing.

When using the nozzle, you should pay attention to proper care. Cleaning and washing of the nozzle should be carried out after each client. Ideally, use an ultrasonic cleaner, followed by sterilization and disinfection. Store diamond bits in a special container and prevent dust and moisture from entering.