NITEN ICHI RYU bokken is a thin and light solid bokuto typical of the Niten Ichi Ryu sword school, where they rely on refinement and maneuverability, not brute force. Perfectly can be used when working with two swords (with a short wakizashi sword). In Niten Ichi Ryu, many movements are based on the use of the weight of the sword, which is called Kissaki Kaeshi. About this principle of possession of the sword was written in the "Book of the Five Rings".

Niten Ichi Ryu is the Kenjutsu School founded by the legendary swordsman in Japan, Miyamoto Musashi. The style of Niten Ichi Ryu is mainly known for the technique with two swords. The kenjutsu methods developed by Musashi are called “Niten Ichi”, which means “two skies as one” or in other words “two swords as one”. The technique is based on the skillful use of two swords (long and short) at the same time, conducting an attack at unpredictable angles. Nito Ryu style improves coordination, speed and skill.

Length: 102 cm (40.1")
Handle length: 27 cm (10.6")
Weight: ~ 450- 500g
Material: Robinia wood

Robinia wood (White Acacia) has high strength characteristics, wear resistance significantly exceeding that of oak and ash. The color of the tree is yellow or olive green, the fibers are straight and sharply noticeable. Acacia shows all its advantages as much as possible, because it can serve for many years, withstanding high loads, without being erased and without losing the original attractiveness of the texture.

* Weapon Stand/Holder is not included.
** The black bokken is treated with a special multilayer black impregnation and oil.