Product Description

Panasonic classic small head wear photo artifact

Light and comfortable, retro and nostalgic, male gods often see such small headwear in American TV dramas. In terms of comfort alone, this kind is very comfortable, it will not be tired after wearing it for a long time, and it will not chuck! Whether it is used on the treadmill at home, listening and working in the cafe and library, or thinking about life on the playground steps, it is a beautiful landscape.

This is the pair of headphones for the Panasonic CD Walkman in those days. There are many models that are equipped with this headphone. The overall feeling of the headphones is relatively solid, and there are large angles below.

Bending the picture, the original wire has great tensile strength, and the gold-plated curved plug is also very beautiful, and it is durable at first glance. The sound of the earphones is the old sound of the year, warm, and the quality is the same as that of Panasonic's HT60. HT65 is a level, you can buy it back and compare it. The taste is very similar to the sound of Aihua M38.
Practical Free Gift
CableVelcro x 1 Pcs
Specially designed for Headphone cable
Softer & Villi Surface Material
Perfect fit all kinds of cables
10 mm width,150 mm length