Poema Tweed is a gradient knitting yarn from an Italian company Laines Du Nord. The yarn is entirely Made in Italy. It is composed of 94% mulesing free merino wool and 6% viscose.
Poema Tweed is yarn with a perfect color sequence, a delicate tweed effect and a large yield, for knitting and crochet. Degradé develops slowly and uniformly from one tone to another. This knitting yarn is very soft. Poema tweed yarn has been designed to be able to make autumn and winter accessories with a single ball of yarn. Perfect wool for shaded shawls and warm colored scarves.

Poema is a color changing yarn and every skein has the exact same color change. If you knit a sweater or other larger knits, you can knit from 2 skeins (1 row from each) and get the long color change over the whole work. The exact colour change allows also use a double yarn to knit a thicker garment. 

Fiber content: 94 % mulesing-free merino wool, 6% viscose
Recommended knitting needles size: 3,5-4 mm / 4-5 US
Weight/length per ball: 150 g - 600 m / 656 yds
Tension: 10 x 10 cm / 4''x 4'' = 20 sts x 28 rows in stockinette stitch
Handwash only.

NOTE: Real colours may differ slightly depending on the settings of your display.