Dear Customer,

We proudly introduce the advanced Dimsport Trasdata Slave Tool, the world's leading choice for chip tuning. This innovative tool works perfectly with our extensive chip tuning file service.

The purchase only concerns the hardware module, after receipt the software only needs to be activated (€1190 excl. VAT). We are currently offering a temporary exclusive promotion in which we include 7 tuning files for our file service. At MyChiptuningfiles we strive for competitive software prices. Numerous options are available free of charge when combined with chip tuning.

Our chip tuning software is known for its high quality, with an average waiting time of 15 minutes. What sets us apart is our live support, low prices, fast service, high customer satisfaction. We continue where others stop. Do you want to send every car on the road successfully and without worries? Send us a private message for more information.

We are proud to be a supplier of this software in 200+ leading countries worldwide. Our tools are always in stock and you can also make an appointment at our location for an introductory meeting and, if desired, direct purchase of the equipment.
Yours sincerely,

Team MyChiptuningfiles