AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - Casque DJ léger modulaire TMA-2 DJ XE


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Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - Casque DJ léger modulaire TMA-2 DJ XE

Le TMA-2 DJ XE est le casque DJ modulaire idéal pour les sessions d'exploration musicales et les performances DJ. Son poids plume de 168 grammes seulement offre un excellent confort durant les longues sessions d'écoute, tout en assurant un son de haute qualité et une isolation acoustique de haut niveau grâce aux transducteurs au son équilibré, et aux coussinets à mémoire de forme employés.
Le casque idéal pour les DJs et les amoureux de musique.
Développé par la marque danoise AIAIAI, le TMA-2 DJ XE est un casque compact et léger pensé pour les DJ et les beatmakers recherchant une solution d'écoute alliant polyvalence, robustesse, légèreté et haute qualité de fabrication. Avec ses 168 grammes sur la balance, son serre-tête fin et ses transducteurs de haute qualité au son équilibré associés à des coussinets à mémoire de forme hautement isolant, le TMA-2 DJ XE vous surprendra à chaque écoute !
Un son punchy, précis et équilibré.
Le TMA-2 DJ XE est pensé pour une utilisation intensive sur scène, en offrant à la fois un son équilibré et des basses percutantes pour les performances DJ et les beatmakers. Le haut-parleur S01 intégré combine un diaphragme en bio-cellulose, plus rigide que les diaphragme en PET ordinaires, avec un aimant en néodyme de haute qualité, permettant d'obtenir un son précis et détaillé entre 3 et 4 kHz, parfait pour le kick de batterie, tout en conservant un son d'une grande clarté à des volumes élevés. Associé au coussinets E02 hautement isolant, le TMA-2 DJ XE assure des basses puissantes jusqu'à 20 Hz.
Un casque léger et robuste.

Développé pour être utilisé dans les conditions les plus exigeantes telles que la scène et les nombreuses dates composant les tournées, le TMA-2 DJ-XE est fabriqué selon les normes les plus strictes, sans aucun compromis. Le serre-tête H01 à profil réduit, très léger, offre une excellente résistance grâce à sa conception en polycarbonate et à son rembourrage en mousse PU robuste, tandis que les coussinets en mousse à mémoire de forme recouverts de cuir PU assure une excellente tenue dans le temps, des basses puissantes et une excellente isolation.
Une conception modulaire innovante.
Depuis ses débuts, la marque danoise met l'accent sur la conception entièrement modulaire de ses produits. Véritable témoignage de son engagement écoresponsable en faveur d'une évolutivité et réparabilité accrue des appareils, chaque casque ou enceinte AIAIAI est facilement démontable et réparable, et chaque élément principal (serre-tête, coussinets, transducteurs ou câbles) remplaçable afin d'éviter de remplacer l'ensemble du casque en cas de défaillance d'un seul élément.
Vous souhaitez un serre-tête plus confortable ? Remplacez simplement le serre-tête H01 de la monte d'origine par un H03 ou un H4 plus rembourré ! Vous disposez d'un large choix de transducteurs, de coussinets, de serre-tête et de câbles pour personnaliser votre casque à votre image.

Caractéristiques :

  • Adaptateur inclus : Oui
  • Catégorie : casque
  • Conception : fermé
  • Connecteurs : Minijack
  • Couleur : Noir
  • Câble amovible : Oui
  • Diamètre transducteur : 40 mm
  • Format : supra-aural
  • Impédance : 32 Ω
  • Longueur de câble : 1,50 m
  • Oreillette orientable : Oui
  • Pliable : Non
  • Poids (kg) : 168 g
  • Puissance admissible : 40 mW
  • Réponse en fréquence : 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Sans fil : Non
  • Sensibilité : 97
  • Type : dynamique
  • Specs complémentaires :
  • Transducteurs S01 MKII : son équilibré et précis, transparence accrue
  • Coussinets E02 : on-ear en mousse à mémoire de forme, recouvert de cuir PU, haute isolation acoustique et basses renforcées
  • Serre-tête H01 : structure fine et légère en polycarbonate, rembourrage en mousse PU
  • Câble C05 : droit de 1,5 m en thermoplastique, avec adaptateur 3,5/6,5 mm
  • Diaphragme : en bio-cellulose
  • Aimant : néodyme haute qualité

AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones


133,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones

The TMA-2 DJ XE is the ideal modular DJ headset for music exploration sessions and DJ performances. Its featherweight of 168 grams only offers excellent comfort during long listening sessions, while ensuring high quality sound and high-level acoustic insulation thanks to the balanced sound transducers and the memory foam ear cushions used.
The ideal headphones for DJs and music lovers.
Developed by the Danish brand AIAIAI, the TMA-2 DJ XE are compact and lightweight headphones designed for DJs and beatmakers looking for a listening solution combining versatility, robustness, lightness and high manufacturing quality. With its 168 grams on the scale, its thin headband and its high quality transducers with balanced sound combined with highly insulating memory foam earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE will surprise you every time you listen!
A punchy, precise and balanced sound.
The TMA-2 DJ XE is designed for heavy-duty stage use, delivering both balanced sound and punchy bass for DJ performances and beatmakers. The built-in S01 speaker combines a bio-cellulose diaphragm, stiffer than ordinary PET diaphragms, with a high-quality neodymium magnet, achieving precise and detailed sound between 3 and 4 kHz, perfect for drum kick, while maintaining crystal clear sound at high volumes. Combined with the highly insulating E02 earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE delivers powerful bass up to 20 Hz.
A light and robust helmet.
Developed for use in the most demanding conditions such as the stage and the numerous dates making up tours, the TMA-2 DJ-XE is manufactured to the highest standards, without any compromise. The ultra-light, low-profile H01 headband offers excellent strength thanks to its polycarbonate design and sturdy PU foam padding, while the memory foam ear cushions covered in PU leather ensure excellent fit in time, powerful bass and excellent isolation.
An innovative modular design.
Since its beginnings, the Danish brand has focused on the fully modular design of its products. A true testimony to its eco-responsible commitment to the scalability and accumulated reparability of devices, each AIAIAI headset or speaker is easily removable and repairable, and each main element (headband, earpads, transducers or cables) replaceable in order to avoid Replace the entire helmet if a single element is defective.
Do you want a more comfortable headband? Simply replace the original H01 headband with a more padded H03 or H4! You have a wide choice of transducers, ear cushions, headbands and cables to personalize your headset to your image.

Features :

  • Adapter included: Yes
  • Category: helmet
  • Design: closed
  • Connectors: Minijack
  • Black color
  • Removable cable: Yes
  • Transducer diameter: 40 mm
  • Format: supra-aural
  • Impedance: 32 Ω
  • Cable length: 1.50 m
  • Adjustable earpiece: Yes
  • Foldable: No
  • Weight (kg): 168 g
  • Allowable power: 40 mW
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Wireless: No
  • Sensitivity: 97
  • Type: dynamic
  • Additional specifications:
  • S01 MKII transducers: balanced and precise sound, increased transparency
  • E02 earpads: memory foam over-ear, PU leather covering, high sound insulation and reinforced bass
  • H01 headband: thin and light polycarbonate structure, PU foam padding
  • C05 cable: 1.5 m straight thermoplastic, with 3.5/6.5 mm adapter
  • Diaphragm: in bio-cellulose
  • Magnet: high quality neodymium

AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones


133,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones

The TMA-2 DJ XE is the ideal modular DJ headset for music exploration sessions and DJ performances. Its featherweight of 168 grams only offers excellent comfort during long listening sessions, while ensuring high quality sound and high-level acoustic insulation thanks to the balanced sound transducers and the memory foam ear cushions used.
The ideal headphones for DJs and music lovers.
Developed by the Danish brand AIAIAI, the TMA-2 DJ XE are compact and lightweight headphones designed for DJs and beatmakers looking for a listening solution combining versatility, robustness, lightness and high manufacturing quality. With its 168 grams on the scale, its thin headband and its high quality transducers with balanced sound combined with highly insulating memory foam earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE will surprise you every time you listen!
A punchy, precise and balanced sound.
The TMA-2 DJ XE is designed for heavy-duty stage use, delivering both balanced sound and punchy bass for DJ performances and beatmakers. The built-in S01 speaker combines a bio-cellulose diaphragm, stiffer than ordinary PET diaphragms, with a high-quality neodymium magnet, achieving precise and detailed sound between 3 and 4 kHz, perfect for drum kick, while maintaining crystal clear sound at high volumes. Combined with the highly insulating E02 earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE delivers powerful bass up to 20 Hz.
A light and robust helmet.
Developed for use in the most demanding conditions such as the stage and the numerous dates making up tours, the TMA-2 DJ-XE is manufactured to the highest standards, without any compromise. The ultra-light, low-profile H01 headband offers excellent strength thanks to its polycarbonate design and sturdy PU foam padding, while the memory foam ear cushions covered in PU leather ensure excellent fit in time, powerful bass and excellent isolation.
An innovative modular design.
Since its beginnings, the Danish brand has focused on the fully modular design of its products. A true testimony to its eco-responsible commitment to the scalability and accumulated reparability of devices, each AIAIAI headset or speaker is easily removable and repairable, and each main element (headband, earpads, transducers or cables) replaceable in order to avoid Replace the entire helmet if a single element is defective.
Do you want a more comfortable headband? Simply replace the original H01 headband with a more padded H03 or H4! You have a wide choice of transducers, ear cushions, headbands and cables to personalize your headset to your image.

Features :

  • Adapter included: Yes
  • Category: helmet
  • Design: closed
  • Connectors: Minijack
  • Black color
  • Removable cable: Yes
  • Transducer diameter: 40 mm
  • Format: supra-aural
  • Impedance: 32 Ω
  • Cable length: 1.50 m
  • Adjustable earpiece: Yes
  • Foldable: No
  • Weight (kg): 168 g
  • Allowable power: 40 mW
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Wireless: No
  • Sensitivity: 97
  • Type: dynamic
  • Additional specifications:
  • S01 MKII transducers: balanced and precise sound, increased transparency
  • E02 earpads: memory foam over-ear, PU leather covering, high sound insulation and reinforced bass
  • H01 headband: thin and light polycarbonate structure, PU foam padding
  • C05 cable: 1.5 m straight thermoplastic, with 3.5/6.5 mm adapter
  • Diaphragm: in bio-cellulose
  • Magnet: high quality neodymium

AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones


133,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones

The TMA-2 DJ XE is the ideal modular DJ headset for music exploration sessions and DJ performances. Its featherweight of 168 grams only offers excellent comfort during long listening sessions, while ensuring high quality sound and high-level acoustic insulation thanks to the balanced sound transducers and the memory foam ear cushions used.
The ideal headphones for DJs and music lovers.
Developed by the Danish brand AIAIAI, the TMA-2 DJ XE are compact and lightweight headphones designed for DJs and beatmakers looking for a listening solution combining versatility, robustness, lightness and high manufacturing quality. With its 168 grams on the scale, its thin headband and its high quality transducers with balanced sound combined with highly insulating memory foam earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE will surprise you every time you listen!
A punchy, precise and balanced sound.
The TMA-2 DJ XE is designed for heavy-duty stage use, delivering both balanced sound and punchy bass for DJ performances and beatmakers. The built-in S01 speaker combines a bio-cellulose diaphragm, stiffer than ordinary PET diaphragms, with a high-quality neodymium magnet, achieving precise and detailed sound between 3 and 4 kHz, perfect for drum kick, while maintaining crystal clear sound at high volumes. Combined with the highly insulating E02 earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE delivers powerful bass up to 20 Hz.
A light and robust helmet.
Developed for use in the most demanding conditions such as the stage and the numerous dates making up tours, the TMA-2 DJ-XE is manufactured to the highest standards, without any compromise. The ultra-light, low-profile H01 headband offers excellent strength thanks to its polycarbonate design and sturdy PU foam padding, while the memory foam ear cushions covered in PU leather ensure excellent fit in time, powerful bass and excellent isolation.
An innovative modular design.
Since its beginnings, the Danish brand has focused on the fully modular design of its products. A true testimony to its eco-responsible commitment to the scalability and accumulated reparability of devices, each AIAIAI headset or speaker is easily removable and repairable, and each main element (headband, earpads, transducers or cables) replaceable in order to avoid Replace the entire helmet if a single element is defective.
Do you want a more comfortable headband? Simply replace the original H01 headband with a more padded H03 or H4! You have a wide choice of transducers, ear cushions, headbands and cables to personalize your headset to your image.

Features :

  • Adapter included: Yes
  • Category: helmet
  • Design: closed
  • Connectors: Minijack
  • Black color
  • Removable cable: Yes
  • Transducer diameter: 40 mm
  • Format: supra-aural
  • Impedance: 32 Ω
  • Cable length: 1.50 m
  • Adjustable earpiece: Yes
  • Foldable: No
  • Weight (kg): 168 g
  • Allowable power: 40 mW
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Wireless: No
  • Sensitivity: 97
  • Type: dynamic
  • Additional specifications:
  • S01 MKII transducers: balanced and precise sound, increased transparency
  • E02 earpads: memory foam over-ear, PU leather covering, high sound insulation and reinforced bass
  • H01 headband: thin and light polycarbonate structure, PU foam padding
  • C05 cable: 1.5 m straight thermoplastic, with 3.5/6.5 mm adapter
  • Diaphragm: in bio-cellulose
  • Magnet: high quality neodymium

AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones


133,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AIAIAI Audio - TMA2-DJ-XE - TMA-2 DJ XE modular lightweight DJ headphones

The TMA-2 DJ XE is the ideal modular DJ headset for music exploration sessions and DJ performances. Its featherweight of 168 grams only offers excellent comfort during long listening sessions, while ensuring high quality sound and high-level acoustic insulation thanks to the balanced sound transducers and the memory foam ear cushions used.
The ideal headphones for DJs and music lovers.
Developed by the Danish brand AIAIAI, the TMA-2 DJ XE are compact and lightweight headphones designed for DJs and beatmakers looking for a listening solution combining versatility, robustness, lightness and high manufacturing quality. With its 168 grams on the scale, its thin headband and its high quality transducers with balanced sound combined with highly insulating memory foam earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE will surprise you every time you listen!
A punchy, precise and balanced sound.
The TMA-2 DJ XE is designed for heavy-duty stage use, delivering both balanced sound and punchy bass for DJ performances and beatmakers. The built-in S01 speaker combines a bio-cellulose diaphragm, stiffer than ordinary PET diaphragms, with a high-quality neodymium magnet, achieving precise and detailed sound between 3 and 4 kHz, perfect for drum kick, while maintaining crystal clear sound at high volumes. Combined with the highly insulating E02 earpads, the TMA-2 DJ XE delivers powerful bass up to 20 Hz.
A light and robust helmet.
Developed for use in the most demanding conditions such as the stage and the numerous dates making up tours, the TMA-2 DJ-XE is manufactured to the highest standards, without any compromise. The ultra-light, low-profile H01 headband offers excellent strength thanks to its polycarbonate design and sturdy PU foam padding, while the memory foam ear cushions covered in PU leather ensure excellent fit in time, powerful bass and excellent isolation.
An innovative modular design.
Since its beginnings, the Danish brand has focused on the fully modular design of its products. A true testimony to its eco-responsible commitment to the scalability and accumulated reparability of devices, each AIAIAI headset or speaker is easily removable and repairable, and each main element (headband, earpads, transducers or cables) replaceable in order to avoid Replace the entire helmet if a single element is defective.
Do you want a more comfortable headband? Simply replace the original H01 headband with a more padded H03 or H4! You have a wide choice of transducers, ear cushions, headbands and cables to personalize your headset to your image.

Features :

  • Adapter included: Yes
  • Category: helmet
  • Design: closed
  • Connectors: Minijack
  • Black color
  • Removable cable: Yes
  • Transducer diameter: 40 mm
  • Format: supra-aural
  • Impedance: 32 Ω
  • Cable length: 1.50 m
  • Adjustable earpiece: Yes
  • Foldable: No
  • Weight (kg): 168 g
  • Allowable power: 40 mW
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz 20 kHz
  • Wireless: No
  • Sensitivity: 97
  • Type: dynamic
  • Additional specifications:
  • S01 MKII transducers: balanced and precise sound, increased transparency
  • E02 earpads: memory foam over-ear, PU leather covering, high sound insulation and reinforced bass
  • H01 headband: thin and light polycarbonate structure, PU foam padding
  • C05 cable: 1.5 m straight thermoplastic, with 3.5/6.5 mm adapter
  • Diaphragm: in bio-cellulose
  • Magnet: high quality neodymium
Global Audio Store, Revendeur AIAIAI Audio agréé