Chantal Akerman Masterpieces, 1968-1978 (Criterion Collection) [New Blu-ray] S

Title: Chantal Akerman Masterpieces, 1968-1978 (Criterion Collection)

Format: Blu-ray

Label: Criterion Collection

Genre: Special Interest-Documentary, Drama

UPC: 715515291514

Release Date: 2024

Three-disc set includes five feature films, "Hotel Monterey" (1973), "Je Tu Il Elle" (1974), "Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai Du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" (1975), "News from Home" (1976), and "Les Rendez-Vous D'Anna" (1978); and four shorts, "Saute Ma Ville" (1971), "L'Enfant Aimé, Ou Je Joue À Être Une Femme Mariée" (1971), "La Chambre" (1972), and "Le 15/8" (1975). In French with English subtitles. BW&C/Rtg: NR

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