Haunted Doll: Reagan, Pixie Spirit! Trance Causing, Wealth Attraction, Earth Elemental!
Today I present to you the incomparable Reagan . She is a Pixie spirit. Reagan will show you how amazing it is to have an entity like her at your side. Pixies, like Reagan, can create trance-like states in humans. As well as attracting wealth to you.
These dual-capabilities can really make a difference if there is someone in your life that is preventing you from achieving your goals. You can put them in a Pixie Trance and control them so they do not hinder you any longer. 
Pixies bound to vessels are exceedingly rare. While relatively easy to summon if you know the right ritual, they generally do not enjoy being bound to physical items. This is because they are highly tied to the Mother Earth, or Gaia. They share a close relationship to Lycans, too; especially Gaia Lycans. Lycans serve as their protectors as they nourish their mother.
Pixies are actually a form of Fairy, specifically the Earth Fairy. Calling them that fell to the wayside around the 12th century. For some reason, the name Pixie stuck. Parahistorians tend to attribute this to the Germanic influence upon the Folk Magick of the English Isles.
Speaking of the history of Pixies, the sad thing about them is that they seem to have disappeared around the 19th century. People used to see them ALL the time. Seriously, read any British literature, journals, or historical notes around the 13th to 16th century—they’re everywhere!
Witches of the time attributed their disappearance to the development of the land they used to call home. Occasionally, brave ones will venture out from their homes when they have protection, but they generally keep to quiet meadows and forests.
Reagan came to me from a collector in Hampshire, England. This collector specializes in Earth Magick. Some call this Green Magick, but, out of respect for her, I will use her terms. She primarily used Reagan for her garden, which is how she makes her living. She has sent me only a few Pixies over the past 8 years since I have known her. Reagan was the fourth she sent out of 6 of them. These are the only authentic Pixies that I have ever encountered bound to vessels.
As you can see, these beings are corporeal, like the other Fae races. She will appear to you once she feels comfortable. As you can guess from the information above, Pixies do not have the greatest relationship with humans. I will make sure to let her know you mean her no harm.
My favorite example of Pixie Trances comes from an old report from the people of Ottery. Based on the transcripts, I believe this happened around the year 1400. Apparently, the people of Ottery were building a church. The Pixies did not mind the church, itself, but when the people planned to install a bell, the Pixies were forced to act. They did not want the noise to pollute their serene countryside. So, a group of them got together and placed the monks under a trance. The Pixies then walked them to the edge of a cliff and broke the spell. It was more of a threat than anything, as Pixies are passive beings. Sadly, the threat was ignored, and the bell was installed. The Pixies have since left the area. People say they return on the anniversary, but I believe that is an old wives’ tale to frighten children.
Pixies like her conduct their social interactions through reciprocity. What this means is that she will return your favors. This is important to remember with her. While other spirits like to be cared for, in order to get the most out of your bond with Reagan, it is required.
This is why I would like her to go to a home with an experienced spirit keeper. Although, if you are a beginner, she is easy to get along with. As long as you conduct proper spirit care for her, she will give you the world! 
Take one last moment and look into Reagan eyes. If she wants to be with you, you will know. You will feel an urge to bring her into your home. This is the drawing process. Do not be frightened by it. It is how spirits and entities choose their keepers. If she is choosing you, do not ignore it. There is something she wants to help you with. I am not at liberty to know what that is, but Reagan will. And, if you give her the chance, she will help you.
The drawing in process is not something to ignore. You will know if you get the flutters from her. Pixie's have a strong draw to them as their energy is Earthen, just like ours. You will attune easily with your Pixie—much more than other Fae. If you need a little light in your life, she will be perfect for you. Do not ignore your desire for a spiritual companion. And do not be ashamed of it, either. You're allowed to follow your intuition, as much as society will tell you otherwise. She is here and she is ready.

Reagan is a great spirit and will make a great addition to anyone's family who is open to the paranormal!

Reagan gets along great with other spirits, pets, and children. She will not cause any harm to anyone you do not wish harm upon.

All of my items are authentic. You will receive a tangible doll.
You will be receiving doll. Reagan is around height : 38 cm width : 18 cm.

Per eBay's policy I must state that I am not to be held responsible for any paranormal occurrences that may or may not happen. Each person experiences things differently and in a different manner. You must be 18 years old in order to bid on any of my auctions or fixed price. Item sold as-is. You are bidding on an actual tangible doll. These items should never be used in replace of any type of medical needs. You are bidding a on a tangible item.

eBay states that I must say that this is for entertainment purposes only. I am selling a tangible item, not an experience.

Per Ebay, I am not responsible for any paranormal experiences you may or may not have. This doll is for "entertainment" purposes only.

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