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Get 3 Heaped Teaspoons

That's 1 extra teaspoon FREE

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Pickup or Home Delivery

If you live near the Hyperdome Shopping Centre or on the Gold Coast in Queensland, I MIGHT be able to personally deliver to your home. Let's talk, contact me so we can see how I can help you get fresh Kefir grains straight from my fridge to you.


One teaspoon is not much to start with especially since the Kefir grains will shrink in the mail. That’s why I’m giving you 3 Heaped Teaspoons… so you'll to be happy when you get your grains in the mail and start making delicious Kefir quickly.

My 5 children make their own Kefir and we have so much fun flavouring the Kefir during a second fermentation with different combinations of fruit. My son James for example, likes second fermenting with a few pieces of strawberry and sometimes he adds blueberries as well.... so delicious! They love it and I’m so happy because they learn about a healthy gut microbiome in a fun way.

Can you imagine, 5 boys each making Kefir, plus mum and dad… we’ve got a lot of Kefir grains. My son Jake suggested sharing some of our Kefir grains with you. They all agreed and I guess it’s a nice way for them to earn a little pocket money along the way. So, it's from our home to your home, and made with love.


Our special Kefir grains are very active and grow quickly, multiplying to about 4 times the size in just a couple of weeks.


Our Kefir Grains area a blend from 6 countries, which means you will have a great diversity of beneficial bacteria in your Kefir. And you know what that means? Your gut health will love you for all that goodness.


I'll give you a link to the BEST how to make Milk Kefir video. Packed with great information, easy to follow instructions and it even shows you how to second ferment the delicious Kefir. Including what to do if you need a break from making Kefir like when going on a holiday for example.


You can drink Kefir plain or you can do a second fermentation to further reduce the lactose while significantly increasing the B vitamins and the Probiotics. It's easy and if my little angels can do, so can you!


I ferment Kombucha and all kind of vegetables as well, from sauerkraut to carrots, onions and everything in between. I’m happy to help any way I can so feel free to ask me anything.


I will post your grains on Monday so they get to you as quick as possible. Posting any other day risks getting stuck in the mail over the weekend which is not good.


If you're not sure about something, if you're looking for a Pro Tip or you just want a chat about Kefir, fermentation, the gut microbiome and health etc. I'm happy to help you now and in the future.


Buy now and get excited.