BEST BEFORE at least 11/2028

Bach Flower Remedies can be put into water to be 

sipped or put directly on the tongue. 

White Chestnut is recommended as a remedy for persistent worries.

First discovered by Edward Bach in the 1930s the flower remedies 

like other forms of complimentary medicine take effect through the 

individual and not the disease or the symptoms of the disease. 

Their purpose is to support the patient by restoring emotional 

balance to assist physical healing. 

They are natural gentle and do not have any side effects.

Symptom: Your mind is running over the same thing



Keep all medicines out of reach of children. 

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, always 

consult your doctor before taking any medication. 

This product contains alcohol. If you are taking 

any other medication which is contraindicated 

with alcohol, 

consult your doctor for advice 

before use.



Aesculus hippocastanum



Single use: 2 drops in water & 

sip at intervals 

or add to 30ml mixing bottle

containing still spring water.

 Take 4 drops a minimum of 

4 times a day.



Bach Flower Remedies can be put into water to be  sipped or put directly on the tongue.  White Chestnut is recommended as a remedy for persistent worries. First discovered by Edward Bach in the 1930s the flower remedies  like other forms of complimentary medicine take effect through the  individual and not the disease or the symptoms of the disease.  Their purpose is to support the patient by restoring emotional  balance to assist physical healing.  They are natural gentle and do not have any side effects. Symptom: Your mind is running over the same thing Keep all medicines out of reach of children.  If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, always  consult your doctor before taking any medication.  This product contains alcohol. If you are taking  any other medication which is contraindicated