Crystal Pyramids can be used to draw off negative energies and blockages from the chakras, replenishing energy.

Orgone Pyramids are powerful spiritual tools that transform Universal Life Form Energy (Chi) into a very powerful positive energy that will benefit each area of your energies; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

approx 100mm x 65mm HxW

A Powerful Vibrational Energy is generated when Natural Chakra crystals react with Orgonite Energy which brings positivity all around.


Dr Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychiatrist, researched orgone energy in the earlier half of the 20th century, and today’s orgonite devices are built on his findings. While conducting his research, Dr Reich found that organic materials attract and hold orgone energy, whilst non-organic metals simultaneously attract and repel the energy. What is Orgone? Orgone, the name given by Wilhelm Reich, is the light, the universal energy that is present in everything, It’s what stops decay and creates healing. ORGONE is also known to others as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, & universal energy. So, what is Orgonite and why should we use it? Orgonite is a substance that functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy and transmuting it into positive energy. ( Orgone) Orgonite is a mix of resin (organic, due to the fact that it is made from petrochemicals), and metal or metal shavings (inorganic) poured into moulds. A quartz crystal (as well as various natural stones) is also added inside the orgonite matrix. It is said to attract aetheric energy similarly to Reich’s accumulators. The energy which is out of balance is absorbed into the orgonite by the metal-resin mix and brought back to a healthy, vibrant state by the embedded crystal. The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically, and this apparently causes it to function more effectively as a positive energy generator. Orgonite balances and harmonises bio-energy, otherwise known as orgone, chi or prana. What does Orgonite do? Very simply put, Orgonite works by drawing in energy through its matrix which is made with resin, crystal and metals, organic and inorganic materials. Inside every orgonite is crystal quartz. The crystal returns the energy to a natural, balanced and healthy state. What happens when you add natural crystals ( like citrine, amethyst etc) to Orgonite? Crystals have a natural ability to arrange energy and direct energy flow. By putting crystals into Orgonite the crystals are able to direct the flow of energy and enhance the Orgonites ability to convert ( deadly ORgone ) to POR ( positive ORgone ). What are some of the Benefits of Orgonite? The effects of orgonite can differ from person to person. Some feel the energy straight away when they wear or touch orgonite (usually as a tingling or warmish sensation) while for others the effects are cumulative.
Features and Benefits of using Orgonite:

Experience more vitality and a restful sleep
Relieve mental and physical stress
Aids meditation & increases spiritual growth
Energize food, water, herbs and supplements
It will enhance the growth of vegetables and flowers when placed in the garden
Create a more harmonious home & workplace
Protect yourself from negative energies
Clear emotional and energetic blocks

Each positive orgone energy generator can be programmed and reprogrammed for special intent or manifestation
It is a must-have for naturopathic, homoeopathic, holistic, Reiki, healing touch and massage therapy healing application
Increased resistance to illness (Note: orgonite should never be used as a substitute for professional medical care)
How to cleanse and recharge Orgonite? You should cleanse your orgonite piece(s) once a month in a sunny window for one hour. The UV rays of the sun dissipate the harmful negative energy stored within the piece and ‘resets’ the quartz crystal.
Why not try Orgonite and see for yourself? Putting some orgonite in your fresh vegetable compartment in the fridge can help your veggies stay fresher a whole lot longer! And, how about placing 4 orgonite pyramids in all four corners of a room. You’ll feel the benefits of better sleep and being more energized in the morning. Gardeners have seen amazing success by using orgonite in their gardens and watching their plants really flourish. There are many ways to use orgonite in your life. Remember, Orgone ( Vital Energy) exists all around us all the time. Why not let it be always positive and radiant energy!