A pummeling, voluntary thrust into the heart of darkness at the speed of light; a face-first bungee jump off the mortal coil into the gaping canyon of forever; a fistful of snow hurled at death's grin from high on a ski-lift doomed to eternally climb the summit-less mountain; a motorcycle falls from a tear in Hell; a tesseract constructed out of a half pipe slows down time as life flashes before your eyes in vivid colors; a pastless, futureless Xtreme Now unwinds before you, interrupted only by the consumption of a mysterious glowing green liquid oozing from a shiny aluminum can marked "Energy".


A1 Bahia
A2 Your Life In The End
A3 Now Is The Time Of Emotion
A4 Slip Into Nevermore
A5 Fake Til You Feel
A6 Believe In Something Fun
B1 Xtreme Now Energy
B2 Fantasy
B3 Sochi
B4 Would You Die To Be Adored
B5 Shitopia