100% Natural Ratthi Full Cream Milk Powder 400g Guaranteed SLS 731


Ratthi is a thick and creamy textured milk powder, making it a top choice for Sri Lankans looking to make the best cup of tea. Ratthi milk Power is SLS guaranteed and marketed by Fonterra.

- Health Drink that has nutrients to support immunity.

- Clinically proven to improve 5 signs of growth.

- Clinically proven to make kids Taller, Stronger & Sharper.

- Scientifically proven to improve Power of Milk


Nutrition Information


 Energy (kJ, kcal) Milk protein , carbohydrate ,milk fat, vitamin A,C,E, Thiamine, Riboflavin, vitamin b6, Pantothenic Acid, Folate, vitamin b12,Biotin,Calcium,phosphorus,Magnesium,Zinc,Sodium,Potassium, Manganese.